Author Topic: Free Mirey~!  (Read 1758 times)

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Free Mirey~!
« on: October 09, 2011, 09:08:53 am »
Saturday of this week I was on the NA_cRPG_1 server.

Strife_WCo and I were fooling around with each other and Lewp, who was on the opposite team. Strife was punching me, as I punched Lewp. I had Lewp in a corner and I was underhanding his down block, which is technically fighting, and Diomedes comes with a warning somewhat like: "Miley don't make me get the Thor out." Yes, I knew what he was talking about, but what I was doing was not against the rules. I had Lewp in a corner, and I was punching upwards, which Lewp was blocking. I guess Diomedes was thinking I was blocking my teammates from getting to him.

Shortly after, Diomedes kicked me. He made me lose my x5, so I was a little angry at him. I rejoined, and I spawned with a great maul and full plate. I team killed him when I saw him, and I left the server. Now, I agree that I deserved punishment for doing that. When he banned someone prior to me for intentional team-killing, he got one hour, I believe. I asked Diomedes how long my ban would be, and he responded saying a very long time. I don't see how team-killing an admin and an indifferent team member are any different.

I see what Diomedes thought I was doing--delaying and griefing, and I agree that I could've been provoking him. I haven't been on in a week, and I usually don't play on the big servers, unless I have to. So most of the time I spend online this mod is usually in the Haven server. I thought we were all just having some harmless fun, and I didn't mean to provoke anyone.

I hate when I get so angry that I have to revenge [fill in blank], but I believe I'm ready to be unbanned. I'll be more careful next time. If any witnesses are needed to reinforce my opinion, I can reach some.

As I just wrote, I shall beeth more careful and try not to provoke admins who aren't as lenient as some others. I know I can handle following the rules, but there were a variety of factors that led me to believe that I wasn't being very wrong in my actions pertaining Lewp. An unban would be gratefully appreciated; I've learn mai lessin. Must go to sleep!

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2011, 09:22:57 am »
As it stands you're banned until 11.10.2011 02:55:00, which is less than two days I believe.
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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2011, 09:31:33 am »
Well Miley, team killing (and or revenge killing) is against the rules. I doubt you'll get unbanned but hopefully you will learn from this experience.

On a side note - I'm pretty sure Lewp was the last alive and you had him cornered so no one could hit him without hitting you and you weren't attacking him.

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2011, 10:33:34 am »
I am witness and I say free Mirey

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2011, 11:43:13 am »
People on my vent were ticked about you blocking everyone from killing that guy (they thought you were in cahoots, "crossteaming"), were happy when the admin kicked you as punishment, and then were extra annoyed when you came back and "just started teamkilling".  Then were happy again when you got banned.

I think a lot of people forget that while the forums are a pretty tight group of mostly veterans, the actual server has 70+ people on it, most of which don't know Miley from Jack.  You get two vets together who think they are playing a friendly game of slapdick and everyone loves them for it but in fact you're probably pissing off a few dozen people.

A 2-day ban for intentionally hunting down and TK'ing an admin seems pretty light.
In_Ur_Face got a 3-day ban for intentionally slashing a teammate one time.
MrCookie got a 3-day ban for intentionally killing a teammate who was just some random dude.

You're getting off light.
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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2011, 02:46:27 pm »
Fwee Mirey!  :mrgreen:

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #6 on: October 09, 2011, 04:21:48 pm »
nd I spawned with a great maul and full plate. I team killed him when I saw him, and I left the server.

Intentionally teamkilling (an admin nonetheless) is a clear violation of server policy and none of the Lewp stuff really becomes relevant except for serving as your initial warning.  TK'ing at spawn after the kick was you escalating the situation and provoking an admin response, which you now received.  This has nothing to do with admin leniency or people making the wrong call:  its you being disruptive and not taking a kick (which is lenient as it gets) seriously and instead teamkilled the person who made you mad. 

Maybe Diomedes has some other input on what happened but I'd stand by whatever his decision is based on your (admittedly fair) description of events.
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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2011, 06:08:23 pm »
People on my vent were ticked about you blocking everyone from killing that guy (they thought you were in cahoots, "crossteaming"), were happy when the admin kicked you as punishment, and then were extra annoyed when you came back and "just started teamkilling".  Then were happy again when you got banned.

I think a lot of people forget that while the forums are a pretty tight group of mostly veterans, the actual server has 70+ people on it, most of which don't know Miley from Jack.  You get two vets together who think they are playing a friendly game of slapdick and everyone loves them for it but in fact you're probably pissing off a few dozen people.

A 2-day ban for intentionally hunting down and TK'ing an admin seems pretty light.
In_Ur_Face got a 3-day ban for intentionally slashing a teammate one time.
MrCookie got a 3-day ban for intentionally killing a teammate who was just some random dude.

You're getting off light.

You probably started this game like 1 day ago. I'll be sure to take advice and information from you. LOL

Okay, 2 days ban isn't that much. He said long lasting, so I was kind of worried.
Note: Although I was not facing Lewp, the punch was still hitting his block.

Intentionally teamkilling (an admin nonetheless) is a clear violation of server policy and none of the Lewp stuff really becomes relevant except for serving as your initial warning.  TK'ing at spawn after the kick was you escalating the situation and provoking an admin response, which you now received.  This has nothing to do with admin leniency or people making the wrong call:  its you being disruptive and not taking a kick (which is lenient as it gets) seriously and instead teamkilled the person who made you mad. 

Maybe Diomedes has some other input on what happened but I'd stand by whatever his decision is based on your (admittedly fair) description of events.

You're also the admin that constantly team killed and team wounded me with your horse, which you got kicked for by PhantomZero. Hmm.

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2011, 06:58:42 pm »
FREE MIREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #9 on: October 09, 2011, 07:08:05 pm »
FREE MIREY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #10 on: October 09, 2011, 07:11:32 pm »
Free Mirey!!!!
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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #11 on: October 09, 2011, 07:22:32 pm »
Next person to spam gets a mute.
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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #12 on: October 09, 2011, 09:46:14 pm »
My recent personal correspondence with Miley on this subject:

You abused admin because I wasn't doing anything against the rules. I deserved the ban/kick for team killing you, so when am I unbanned? It shouldn't be any more than somebody else just because you're an admin and it was personal.

You were blocking a teammate from killing the last person in the round.  You were not attempting to kill the last person yourself.  You were, as a consequent, delaying the round and griefing your teammates' attempts to play the game.  I gave you a warning encouraging you to get involved and to cease what was clearly unwanted behaviour - especially to the 80+ bystanders idly watching you.

This deserved a kick/loss of multiplier.

You then re-entered the round and immediately TKd an admin.  This was a) against the no-TK rule and b) flagrantly disregarded the previous warning/kick, and showed a demonstrable disregard for the server's rules/protocols.  If ever you don't like an admin's decisions you're to take it up on the forums through the proper avenues.  Do not exact your own in-game revenge.

This justified a long ban, since you i) wrongfully disregarded other players ii) disregarded server rules and the administrative system.

If you have any further comments, especially regarding whether or not you feel I acted wrongly (such as from a personal or overtly emotional interest), please take it to the proper forumn.  Your ban may be lifted early if you demonstrate, through an essay or commensurable thing, that you are suitably contrite.


If you were not aware, Strife was messing with him as well, and with me. I was technically fighting because I was punching, so there was no reason to kick me for that reason. Team killing an admin should not have any different penalties than killing a regular teammate.

I was not aware of that fact, about Strife, at the time.  What I saw was you obstructing a teammate's attempts to kill the last player in the round.  Though you did initially punch the enemy you had ceased that before frustrating your teammates.  Not only was this deliberately antagonistic, which is itself grounds for a kick after warning, but it was your disregard for the kick which really earned you a long ban.  Teamkilling an admin intentionally is as much a wrong as killing any other player, but it's because it was a revenge strike after a warning and immediately after a kick which sent it over the top.  It's not that you didn't just disrespect the rules of the game, which apply to everyone, but that you sought to further undermine them even after sufficient warnings.

It seems to me that I failed here on two counts.  The first was recognizing and punishing the other wrongdoers allegedly involved in the incident.  The second was in failing to realize that the length of bans are not visible to those who are banned.  I thought a message popped up displaying the unban date, and so incorrectly assumed Miley was making mountains out of mole hills when, in fact, I'd accidentally communicated that his ban was a "long ban."  I hadn't realized how troubling my words were to Miley when I said them, and I'll make sure to clarify such things in the future.  Sorry :( 

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #13 on: October 09, 2011, 11:15:42 pm »
We're testing your abilities

Offline Miley

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Re: Free Mirey~!
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2011, 02:05:10 am »
My recent personal correspondence with Miley on this subject:

It seems to me that I failed here on two counts.  The first was recognizing and punishing the other wrongdoers allegedly involved in the incident.  The second was in failing to realize that the length of bans are not visible to those who are banned.  I thought a message popped up displaying the unban date, and so incorrectly assumed Miley was making mountains out of mole hills when, in fact, I'd accidentally communicated that his ban was a "long ban."  I hadn't realized how troubling my words were to Miley when I said them, and I'll make sure to clarify such things in the future.  Sorry :(

It's okay. I'm bat and you're a cat.