No its definetly the k/d that counts. And on that note I have achieved the highest k/d possible. I got 1 kill and 0 deaths, which gives me a k/d of infinite. Take that suckers!
Age44 [29]
Gold *
Level up at4,420,577
me, suckz.
ok now seriously.
the bad ones:
- JLANNISTER: tk as hell.
- Knights_saying_Ni: unwilling tks but damn... a lot of tks. moderate to high teamwounding ability
- Kapikulus: unwilling teamkills, random and almost nonexistent teamplay, average teamwounding ability
- Acres: average teamwounding ability
- Templar_Omega: teamwounds quite enuff
the whiners:
- Corrado_the_Grey: he cries louder than anyone.
- Fips: good whine races with him
- Tindel
- Lepintoi: never loses an occasion to stfu, just like me. he also teamwound a lot.
- ninja_vrael
- randomhero: just call anyone that kills him an armor noob.
- sorth_III: best troll ever. he do his best when gets steamrolled.
now the good ones:
i'll skip the famous good clans just for the sake of originality
- the roses on a red and white banner. those well dressed and themed guys show off really good teamwork and style
- Cora: excellent 2h, awesome teamwork.
- Goodrock: effective at spamming and spinning, good killer, good blocker, good soloer. teamwounds often (maybe it's the unbalanced axe's fault)
- Rhaegar: best clanless shielder, one of the best shielders in cRPG europe.
- Moderat: a STR member. i knew him a week ago. really a gift to have him in team.
- Kbupyopka (?): another STR. really good
- Nokeyboard: well we all know him. impressive
- Odion: he can be the man of the match with a cloth shirt and felt hat. quite a lot i don't see him.
- Coldblood_Revenant: highly accurate archer. better to have him on your side
Respectful duelers:
again i'll skip the famous ones or my clanmates for obvious reasons
- Logen
- Chupakabra
- kbupyopka
- cyber
- hearst
- blueberrymuffin
- dezilagel
- moribund
- phase
- tommy
- casimir
ok i'm tired. list is too damn long. i'll update it maybe.