I specced him twice after he was last that round.
He just showed typical advanced leecher behaviour. Which is standing still, then moving a little bit, then standing still. Like someone alt-tabbing just to check that they don't get qmld. Now add to that him being a HA, and perhaps you will understand. Being a HA leeching, deliberately waiting until the end of rounds is potentially a huge time-waster..
Perhaps it was a mistake, but then again,
it was only a kick. Perhaps it was a bit fast decision, but I just came out of siege...

And yes, Wiltzu, perhaps I came across as a bit arrogant and that's why you hate me, but you are right, I do make mistakes sometimes, and my patience is not the greatest. Believe me, it's not easy to be an admin, decisions have to be done quickly, and if you also want to play, you sometimes have to act fast. Kicks imo is not a great punishment, and should not be taken as a great insult.. Also, sometimes things look different from different perspectives. Perhaps you only read the kick msg while I had observed him for a longer period ok? Perhaps even through previous borderline events such as was the case with Goztepe. Sometimes you only see the last drop.
IDK if you know this Wiltzu, but the playerbase is full of trolls and respectless people who don't have any problem whatsoever about wasting time. To deal with that you need a firm hand, and some bad shots sometimes gets fired. The end result though, is better than being lenient and passive because you are afraid of getting into long debates over kicks.
In any case, if it wasn't for you I would have resigned my adminship long time ago. My problem now is that some of you would find it too sweet a victory!