Hey, since we have a proper looking character page i was thinking about adding some kind of clans database into page menu. This is how i imagine such a feature.
I think image clearly shows what i have in mind ->
user friendly and easy acces to information about clans without having to browse through with 100 pages topic full of spam, making managing the clan memberlist easier (maybe even last online option?).Maybe some way of autobalancing teams using clan section instead of just banner would be possible (with help of WSE)?
Is implementing such a feature doable? Discuss ;p
Edit: Yes i know im poor and that my ps skills are 1337.
[21:22] <Espu> mm, i've been planning that
[21:22] <Arked> YES
[21:22] <Arked> I LOVE YOU
[21:22] <Espu> ..since spring
[21:22] <Espu> :p
[21:23] <Arked> 2008?
[21:23] <Espu> 6
[21:23] <Arked> shii