simple fact of the matter is... there's no sacrifice for wearing armor, you put it on, you have 15 agility, and your 24 strength + armor carry you to victory on the wings of Armor-RPG angels. IMO people wearing plate should not be able to: jump, catchup to people running away from them, or have more negative wpf modifiers. its fine if they are tanks i suppose, but why should they be able to be a one man killing machine simply because armor and IF and strength combo. in a perfect CRPG world, strength and agility would only be requirements and not give you any stats such as speed dmg or hp. but if we're going down that road, make PD PS PT only requirements and NOT dmg modifiers, but then i guess people would bitch about having to play with any semblance of skill, or re think how they play.
and your probably like "shut the fuck up, your a crossbow asshole" well give me requirements for being xbow asshole, dont let any regular asshole become xbow asshole without spending points on it. but these are my ideas of somewhat more balance, and we all know they aren't going for balance when they envision the future of this mod, duh