If the change to the long spears is true, then I will say it will be changed back soon. There is not a single reason any more to use a weapon which uses 2 slots, is unsheathable, easily blockable by having only one attack direction, appearently it doesn't even stop horses any more, and leaves you completely undefended if an enemy reaches you. Because you would have to rely on your teammates to protect you, sticking together and shit like this. Teamplay and tactics. That's not topistic at all. Nooooo...
All the changes from the last patch point to horse archers on armoured horses, and as soon as the riderbump is removed your missing teammates with pikes leave you only one choice: shield up and being trampeled or shield down, try to stop the HA and being shot.
Honestly, whoever does the balancing in this mod should think about... doing something different in life... because the solutions to balance things out become worse and worse. And although I always had the opinion that every damage inflicted by horsebump (or made possible by horsebump-stun) is lame, damaging the rider for bump damage is plain retarded. Sorry.