Eh...what did you say? Whiners whether ranged or melee. But tbh the only whiners I see from ranged are the ones complaining about the nerfs they have had. Rather than whining about inf and calling for nerfs on inf. Which is exactly what inf does to every other class.
My point was that the reason for this has nothing to do with in game gameplay necessarily. Which is what you directed your entire post at. It's more about inf whining on forums.
Oh god. I do this one more time - then I'm done.
The reason that you see more inf whining than ranged doing so is because ranged screw over inf with their playstyle, what my first post explained.
The second thing I said was that whiners suck - WETHER ranged or inf. I don't care. YES there are whiners from every class - YOU included as soon as someone brings up the topic of HA nerfing.
In short: More melee whiners because ranged are annoying to melee; all whiners suck.
There you have it - preschool level.