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I have screens to prove that on many a map, archers are going i.e. 15-1 up, and the cav are lagging behind. It´s an old argument, if you are any good as an archer, these nerfs mean nothing, you still pwn. Same goes for cav. If you can´t hack the changes, maybe time to consider respeccing or playing native pew pew
The fact that the argument has been made before doesn't discredit it. I didn't say that archers could never put up decent stats, but 15-1 for pure archers is pretty rare. Furthermore, I'm not interested in seeing screenshots from a time I didn't play the game and archery actually was OP (or at least that's what I hear).
i dont get the QQ like the jump shot was so important.
it was important for bundle of stickss, when you gonna get that Darian?I´m just happy i never saw you use it, or i woulda killed you irl.
Really, it's more important to be able to draw while jumping than to actually loose an arrow.
wut? o.O
English not your first language?
What is to "loose an arrow"?Fail.I´m tri-lingual. English, German and BS.
Here, I did the work for you, genius. Read definition 24 and stop claiming that you speak English.http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/loose