After the recent hitbox change, which is so far the best improvement in game mechanics ever, I noticed a really big problem with my really big sword. I can't use it properly unless I'm completely alone and nothings around.
Whenever an ally is near you there's a very high chance that the blade will get stuck in him and glance off doing nothing, neither to him or the enemy. From what I can tell this is due to weird swing animation, where the swinger generally puts whole giant sword all the way behind his back to swing it.
Now, here is how it looks like.
Red zones = will hit teammate (whiff).
Left swing (polearm grip, shorter range; notice the point of the blade is 180 degree behind the fighter):
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loginRight swing (same as above, swing begins ever further than 180 degree behind):
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loginSo, summing it up:
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loginGiven the fact that flamberge is just a support weapon and is next to useless in 1v1 I think there's something wrong if you cant actually use it when teammates are around you. Notice that this is
not a complaint about actually hitting them in the final phase of the swing but the fact that you cant swing at all if theres someone behind you.
I dont think that flamberge user should be forced to look behind him every time he swings at enemy in front of him. Can these animations be altered so that the swing doesnt always begin completely behind the swinger? When using danish or other twohanders I havent noticed any of these weird problems.