Hello moderators of these wonderful forums.
I'm requesting a new child board called 'Existentialist Dilemmas and Gaming'. I would like to use it to discuss existential dilemmas (also existential dread, existential confusions, and existential absurdity/and or bemusement), and how those aforementioned topics relate to gaming (by which I mean playing games, an example of which is cRPG).
This sort of discussion doesn't belong in the General Off Topic thread (it's too specific), nor does it belong in the spam section (it isn't spam, it's very serious), and it doesn't belong in the Historical Discussion area.
I feel that many of the players of cRPG will have something valuable to contribute to this topic. In fact, I think that it would be so popular that it needs it's own separate section.
Thanks in advance!
P.S: If this isn't possible, there is a good chance that I will either send threatening PMs (to randomly selected users, three per day) or go on a meaningless posting spree.