IE CMPX buffed the great long axe (speed bonus)
Was nerfed 2 speed earlier, but got one back because it was inferior to long war axe at a higher cost
Same goes for Fasader.. sneaked in a huge xbow damage buff after a patch. And what weapon does he use ?
Arbalest got + 2 dmg, steel bolts got -2 dmg, which equals zero change. Arbalest lost speed bonus on heirlooms. New soak values made one-shot rarer, which is the biggest pro for using arbalest.
When did you see polearms get nerfed?
Can't lolpike through the ground anymore. cmp uses long spear a lot.
When did you see xbows get nerfed?
Soak value made the high tier xbow less effective, while the lower ones got damage nerf.
Also, Mercenaries mod is meh