1. It took us ca one hour to take down 12000 tickets, so I would presume that it would maybe take another 45 min to take down the rest 8000 instead of the 30 min it took when people charged.
2. Yes it was a test battle, and winning did not matter, but as in any game winning is kinda the goal. In pretty much any game you want to win, but you do not gain anything in some except the satisfaction of winning. Like if you are dueling someone on a duel server, winning will not give you anything, but you still want to win simply because that is the goal. If the duel last for too long you don`t give up, do you?
Anyways, if someone thinks that charging out is pointless and is against it does it really mean that you should insult him and get him banned? It made me lose the respect of LLJK, when someone have another opinion then them, they start insulting him and start a ban poll. Some player have no idea what is going on and press 1 or 2 randomly, but because a lot of people in LLJK where on they can easily manipulate the outcome to their likings.