Ok, so I am a 1h and I use a balanced espada, I have 8 ps and yet for some odd reason i still seem to whiff off of practicly every armor I hit. Something seems very wrong here, I should be one shotting people in atleast leather armors, and yet it still takes three to four hits. Tell me if you are having the same problem or if you feel that this is strange aswell. Because, pre-patch I barely had this problem, post patch it has yet to stop. So, I believe something went wrong with this weapon's, stats in the patch.
On, another note, I have picked up other 1h weapons and I have seen a major decrease in whiffs and out spammings.
I have changed this topic, into a discussion for helping others about the use of your style and weapon. If you are having problems with your weapon of choice please post. If you have answers or tips please post.