Awright go and "punish" and be harsh, if it makes you fell better i son't care, after all it's just a game, you will loose players and members but that i guess, you don't care.
You keep whining about tk but guys admins have been fucking up my game experience much more than teamkillers, and let's be honest, i teamkill like 15 guys on a daily basis in this game, not intentionally but still quite a number. Hey, I'm a fucking spammer and it's not against the rules, and I've never been banned! And since spamming and spamming is the only thing i can do cause i sux with my OP 2hander, if I ever wanna tk someone, I can always pretend my teamkill was not intentional...why the fuck am I crying here?
Am I stupid? Sorry guys.
Yes you should be harsher on teamkill, ban them all for 300 days and then go on forum wait for the unban request that makes you feel so good.
Too bad some guys don't know about unban request (since you always mention it when the guy is already banned).