I agree, it's a bit too high.
Some people have found exploits with high armored stuff and probably make a lot of money cause they're in a team that never loses.
But, I have 5 characters and 3 of them with good horses and I have awesome armor just sitting there cause as soon as I put it on and ride my team loses
and I get hit with a few thousand repair fee.
I don't even use my horse I just run around with a pike or axe and cheap armor or tunic and unhorse people and steal their horse lol.
I don't get sometimes, is that even when my team wins I still get hit with random fees, and that's when I don't get knicked at all. AAAnnnnndddd, some highly armored people take way too many hits before they fall. In medieval times you could take an arrow through plate armor, a hammer and bash their armor in causing massive damage and thrust just about anything metal and go through their armor instantly killing them. Why do you think wearing armor go lame? And don't say guns, people were killing plated armored easily way before the mass use of rudimentary guns.