If you have the DateBase transactions logs (transaction sequence) - all those buggy equipment can be easy founded and deleted.
Manually, yes. But for last 1-2 weeks there were not more than 50-100 really big battles, which could really affect on equipment bug benefits.
Or even easier way (worser, but much easier) - just remove all equipment gained in last 2 weeks from the battles.
1 SQL query to find a transactions (buggy equipment transactions) that did after the battles (by attackers\defenders UID and a battle time).
1 more to find a list and quantity of equipment before battle and after battle(--\\--)
1 more to fix it (just update a "current" list and quantity of equipment to the "before battle" state minus "loosing tickets in the battle").
And all.
Or really - wipe all then (fiefs\armies too).