Author Topic: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'  (Read 3640 times)

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Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« on: January 24, 2011, 11:35:17 am »
First off, let me state that I have no problem with any of the ATS guys and I've never personally attacked them. I, along with numerous other TS, actually took part in formations together with the guys and had fun just hours before this all occurred.

I, like everyone else in the server, make fun of/complain/bitch about players like Goretooth, Devilize etc... who wear black armor constantly and destroy whole teams. That is nothing new. This player (goretooth) apparently felt slighted or had some built up hatred for me that lead up to this ban. That is news to me.

What else is new is getting banned for no apparent reason.

Goretooth was on the 100 man server late last night/early morning on the 24th, sitting AFK on maps with no weapons and no armor with a hospitaller tag trying to leech money and XP. I called him out on this and he started to actively participate in the game (with a bow?). Yay for participation. I also caught him on a map hiding under a bridge trying to not be found or attacked, and on the following map (snowy village) he was the last one left alive because he sat in spawn behind a building in no armor/no weapons, again with the hospitaller tag while devilize, peppovitch etc... were playing normally in hopes of trying to get on the winning team for a multiplier.

What kind of conduct is that?

Shortly after I called him out on the leeching he kept going on and on about how he was tired of me 'crying' (apparently about an admin breaking server rules) and 'trolling' him. I told him it was nothing personal and it is what it is; someone leeching and being afk. I was banned shortly thereafter.

The logs will support my story. I did not troll, TK or do anything to Goretooth really other than remind him that leeching isn't cool.

« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 11:36:58 am by XavierX »

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #1 on: January 24, 2011, 11:44:13 am »
That Goretooth dude seems to be an ass...

Offline Nasturtium

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #2 on: January 24, 2011, 11:45:35 am »
I was in game and in TS with XavierX when this all transpired and can back up everything he just wrote. After Goretooth banned XavierX, I asked him why, he said 'Trolling'. I  called him out and said that was garbage and he said something like "Be careful or TS will find itself out of the northern alliance" and something like "I call the shots here" .  :?
 Whats the deal, does this player have no accountability?

Offline Goretooth

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #3 on: January 24, 2011, 12:00:26 pm »
1. You did personally attack me and after the 9th warning to stop trolling me you were banned.
2. I had no hatred towards you before this happened
3. Reason for the ban was for constant trolling and uncivil talks towards me
4. yes a bow, I've been known to play as an archer from time to time but you seem to complain about any action i make in the server from the armor i wear to every weapon i may wield.
5. The conduct is following the rules and there is no rules for me playing with friends that i was on TS with.  I've personaly trained devilize and some other hosp and enjoy playing with them on their team and TS.
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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #4 on: January 24, 2011, 12:04:06 pm »
1. You did personally attack me and after the 9th warning to stop trolling me you were banned.
2. I had no hatred towards you before this happened
3. Reason for the ban was for constant trolling and uncivil talks towards me
4. yes a bow, I've been known to play as an archer from time to time but you seem to complain about any action i make in the server from the armor i wear to every weapon i may wield.
5. The conduct is following the rules and there is no rules for me playing with friends that i was on TS with.  I've personaly trained devilize and some other hosp and enjoy playing with them on their team and TS.

Your not denying you were leeching like a dick.

Offline Goretooth

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #5 on: January 24, 2011, 12:05:17 pm »
10 minutes after my retirement was the reason for a few rounds of no weapon and then getting a bow.
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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #6 on: January 24, 2011, 12:05:48 pm »
First off, let me state that I have no problem with any of the ATS guys and I've never personally attacked them. I, along with numerous other TS, actually took part in formations together with the guys and had fun just hours before this all occurred.

I, like everyone else in the server, make fun of/complain/bitch about players like Goretooth, Devilize etc... who wear black armor constantly and destroy whole teams. That is nothing new. This player (goretooth) apparently felt slighted or had some built up hatred for me that lead up to this ban. That is news to me.

What else is new is getting banned for no apparent reason.

Goretooth was on the 100 man server late last night/early morning on the 24th, sitting AFK on maps with no weapons and no armor with a hospitaller tag trying to leech money and XP. I called him out on this and he started to actively participate in the game (with a bow?). Yay for participation. I also caught him on a map hiding under a bridge trying to not be found or attacked, and on the following map (snowy village) he was the last one left alive because he sat in spawn behind a building in no armor/no weapons, again with the hospitaller tag while devilize, peppovitch etc... were playing normally in hopes of trying to get on the winning team for a multiplier.

What kind of conduct is that?

Shortly after I called him out on the leeching he kept going on and on about how he was tired of me 'crying' (apparently about an admin breaking server rules) and 'trolling' him. I told him it was nothing personal and it is what it is; someone leeching and being afk. I was banned shortly thereafter.

The logs will support my story. I did not troll, TK or do anything to Goretooth really other than remind him that leeching isn't cool.

Wtf? He told you he just retired the first 5-6 times you said shit about him "leeching".

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #7 on: January 24, 2011, 12:08:42 pm »
1. You did personally attack me and after the 9th warning to stop trolling me you were banned.
2. I had no hatred towards you before this happened
3. Reason for the ban was for constant trolling and uncivil talks towards me
4. yes a bow, I've been known to play as an archer from time to time but you seem to complain about any action i make in the server from the armor i wear to every weapon i may wield.
5. The conduct is following the rules and there is no rules for me playing with friends that i was on TS with.  I've personaly trained devilize and some other hosp and enjoy playing with them on their team and TS.

Witness report:  XavierX constantly nagged goretooth throughout the night despite warnings.  I followed goretooth around half the night naked with a dagger, so I saw it all. 
I, like everyone else in the server, make fun of/complain/bitch about players like Goretooth, Devilize etc...

this is true, but it is never a constant thing during one round of play by one single player. Usually like "run its goretooth" or "Oh man, we're going to lose cuz they got goretooth"  or whatever.   you just kept constantly argueing with the guy. 

that's all i will say.  Hate me or love me.
My response:  diet bro ur fat

Offline XavierX

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #8 on: January 24, 2011, 12:09:21 pm »
1. You did personally attack me and after the 9th warning to stop trolling me you were banned.

I said I found it funny you, an admin, of all people, were breaking the rules and leeching. If that is a 'personal' attack then so be it. It doesn't make it untrue. And you did not warn me nine times. If you had, then again you would have had some pre-built up hatred for me or TS. Which goes to...

2. I had no hatred towards you before this happened

Really? That doesn't jive with;

3. Reason for the ban was for constant trolling and uncivil talks towards me

3. Reason for the ban was for constant trolling and uncivil talks towards me

I didn't even swear at you. I called you out for leeching and then cheered when you started to participate. You inexplicably threw a fit minutes later without me saying a word, and banned me even after I said it was nothing personal and it is what it is. Those are my exact words, in the log.

4. yes a bow, I've been known to play as an archer from time to time but you seem to complain about any action i make in the server from the armor i wear to every weapon i may wield.

If complaining X or Y was OP or annoying was ban worthy, most of cRPG would be banned by now.

5. The conduct is following the rules and there is no rules for me playing with friends that i was on TS with.  I've personaly trained devilize and some other hosp and enjoy playing with them on their team and TS.

Wtf? He told you he just retired the first 5-6 times you said shit about him "leeching".

Retiring isn't an excuse to sit AFK in the server. Come on now. Go be a distraction. I found it odd as soon as he saw me say that, he started to run around and actually try to fight. I actually DROPPED IT and he brought it up a round later because he was upset.
« Last Edit: January 24, 2011, 12:10:57 pm by XavierX »

Offline Neux

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #9 on: January 24, 2011, 12:17:52 pm »

I'm not saying you deserved to be banned or anything but man your memory is way off, or you just neglected to read anything he said back to you the first map you were "calling him out"

I saw several times he said he was retired, and about 3 rounds before he banned you he said "How many times do I have to tell you I just retired" or something like that.

The only time I say something like leeching was when he got back to the game, after retiring and had no weapon, was sitting in a building and came out to die before the 3min mark.

Offline Goretooth

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #10 on: January 24, 2011, 12:19:18 pm »
I just retired isn't an answer he wanted to hear.
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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #11 on: January 24, 2011, 12:21:45 pm »
"How many times do I have to tell you I just retired" or something like that.

If you're going to question my memory, don't follow up with 'or something like that.' I saw him say he was retired once, and then I said be a distraction. I could have easily missed him saying he was retired at other times due to being dead.

The only time I say something like leeching was when he got back to the game, after retiring and had no weapon, was sitting in a building and came out to die before the 3min mark.

Others dispute that. So what is it?

I just retired isn't an answer he wanted to hear.

Only saw it in chat once.

Offline Neux

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #12 on: January 24, 2011, 12:29:28 pm »
I'm saying that's not word for word what he said, but that was the point of it. Like you didn't know.

I don't know about the leeching thing, I said that was the closest thing I saw as I had just died. For all we know he could have been in there boxing someone.

And as far as not knowing he had just retired, well bud... That's just common sense. Why else would he be running around naked punching people?

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #13 on: January 24, 2011, 12:34:39 pm »
Protip: If you get banned, in the unban thread be polite regardless of your feelings toward said admin, it leads to an unban 87.92% faster.

Offline XavierX

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Re: Banned By Goretooth for 'trolling'
« Reply #14 on: January 24, 2011, 12:35:50 pm »
Protip: If you get banned, in the unban thread be polite regardless of your feelings toward said admin, it leads to an unban 87.92% faster.

Not if said admin has a personal problem with the banned player.