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sweet of you guys to celebrate my birthdaywait you're talking about that devils lettuce arent you, god damnit
yo you want to burn some sweet romaine tonight?
yeah i smoke that dirty green shit fuck iceberg
I would follow you into hell itself, firebombs in hand, Eutheran.
in other news, Chaos Breaks their NAP with FCChttp://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,13060.0.htmlPraise be to our honourable friends from chaos.
This community hurts my brains, a lot.
Confirmed, finally.
Confirmed. (click to show/hide)Also for those you this concerns, you'd do best to remember all of that "it's a war game we are just trying to have fun" talk before you start frothing at the mouth, cheers.
http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,13060.0.htmlhttps://docs.google.com/document/d/1Nl4BQWguhBuNwu4KbjM_5Dvi4GBJrIRdqhGimEp0bDo/edit?hl=en_US&pli=1All factions listed on this bill agree to a Non-Aggression Pact with all other factions listed on this bill with a duration of two months from the time of the signing of this bill.So you break your word and you decide to become backstabbers.
But, there's no date on that document, thus we can say the 2 months have already passed, no ? Edit : Nevermind, topic view, created this month. Let the world know of the treacherous attitude of the CHAOS ! And let the DRZ be proud of having such friends who would backstab NAP partners to help a real ally ! And let the rest of the world fall in confusion regarding how to consider CHAOS.