ToD, could you do us all a favour? Giving Vibe a "no commenting on official forums" rule since all he comes with is crap?
On topic: nice to have a public report of this glitch. Just don't go around saying that everyone is "abusing" this. Should we all stop fighting just because of it? No, that would be too boring and would further delay all the other bugs we have to find (this is Beta, we are all QA tester) and delay the FUTURE STRAT OF PURE AWESOME even further.
Also, I say this is a good thing/feature/bug/whatever. The victor SHOULD keep all the equipment. Maybe not all, that would be too OP, but all the unused plus x% of what was used.
And at Vibe, saying the others abused it and you guys don't because you didn't know about it is kinda silly. It's not like the rest of us knew this and last time I checked people where fighting for more reasons than just to "abuse" this glitch. It's also not like we knew about this glitch in the beginning.