Author Topic: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]  (Read 939 times)

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Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« on: August 28, 2011, 07:27:41 am »
Was just playing a map (my character is Septlante_BRD), in the last few seconds of defence while trying to shoot enemies on our flag, a team-mate archer named "Smellmyfinger" moves behind me then kicks me off the wall. The fall is so far that I die and it shows a tk of him killing me. Naturally I'm fairly annoyed so call him on his TK and ask if any admins are on twice on the server - nobody responds.

He doesn't even deny it was intentional, just goes "sorry", which given the rules isn't good enough - so I tell him if I see him I'll tk him and shoot him as soon as I see him.

I am instantly kicked and banned without warning, and this was within 2 minutes of him kicking me off the wall and me asking for an admin.

So grand work admins, thank you.

Septlante_BRD - Archer

Offline sylentknyte

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Re: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2011, 08:03:59 am »
I came here because I knew you would be singing the "swan song"  :lol:

I accidentally shot you, causing you to die. For that I apologize (just like I did in game). You responded by threatening to kill me, followed by tking me. I've done stupid things and have gotten banned for them but not once have I blamed an admin. TK'ing is one of the worst things you can do in this game and you killed me, an admin saw it, and he banned you, its simple. As far as me "kicking" you off a ledge goes thats highly up for debate. I say its an accident, you say its not, at the end of the day we both dont get anywhere. The fact is however you killed me in cold blood so you deserve the ban.
« Last Edit: August 28, 2011, 08:05:04 am by sylentknyte »

Offline Eldon

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Re: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« Reply #2 on: August 28, 2011, 08:29:10 am »
I wasn't shot. I was kicked off the edge. You know, by pressing the "E" key.

I'm never one to complain about unintentional TK's, ever (they happen). Players who know me, know this.

I even mentioned right away that you had kicked me when asking for an admin, and you didn't even dispute it.

So coming on here to lie about it is just grand and indicates the piece of work you are.
Septlante_BRD - Archer

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Re: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« Reply #3 on: August 28, 2011, 08:31:15 am »
This is what I saw , and understand I had no other choices but to take action as it was clearly on purpose ...

You complained about him kicking you on the wall. The round ends, I start spectating him and all I see is you writing in chat that when you'll see him you'll TK him , which you did. We share the same tag as we belong to the same clan, but rules apply to everyone. You were banned for intentionally TKing a teamate and since it's your first ever offence, you only got 1 hour ban. You're already unbanned and I hope you understand why you were banned.

Offline Eldon

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Re: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« Reply #4 on: August 28, 2011, 08:56:48 am »
Oh I understand that my purposeful retribution TK was illegal, but when I asked for an admin some kind of response would have been appreciated (even if it warned him off a re-repeat of his actions).

Otherwise the server just feels unmonitored and I feel I have to rectify things as a player, which I did.

I dislike having to think I have to run fraps all the time just to catch guys like that.
Septlante_BRD - Archer

Offline Sphinxer

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Re: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« Reply #5 on: August 28, 2011, 01:52:46 pm »
It s easy to think we're not doing anything, but if I would have told you tht I'm now spectating him to catch him once for all, wouldnt it ruin the whole purpose on watching me, now that he knows I'm righ there, watching every move he's doing? And also, do you know how it's annoying to stop playing, to stop having fun to watch 1 guy beause someone said he tked him or whatever the reason.. It s a volunteer job, and people tend to forget that.

On the other hand, I cant ban because someone says he has been kicked off the edge/ team wounded. I have to witness it or see screenshots, etc.. I'm pretty sure you'd be mad if I would have banned you because HE said you werethe one kicking him on the wall. Wouldnr you want me to check facts first?

So put yourself in my skin for a minute.. You cant take everything for cash and all I saw was you, threatning him and TKing him while I was trying to bust him for what you reported me...

Offline sylentknyte

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Re: Unban/Ban Request [NA Siege]
« Reply #6 on: August 28, 2011, 04:20:35 pm »
 :D *claps*

Giving somone who isnt in his clan a fair chance. Thats a great admin for ya.