Many people think that the "lag" they are experiencing in-game is, occasionally, the result of large numbers of players. They think that if a large number of players are in a server, then the server will lag more and its performance will suffer. For example, there is a big battle going on, and there are 15-20 "extra" people in spectator mode--those spectators would be causing the server to lag by there malign presence. My question to The Folk of Computer Competence is: is this true, or are players just looking for somebody to blame for a problem they completely and utterly fail to understand due to an understandable lack of knowledge pertaining to the subject?
It is also commonly believed that players with high ping can, somehow, cause other players to lag by being present in a server. Dis true? Would an evil Chinese player with 300 ping be magically harming the server, and thus deserve to be put to the torch?
I'm curios--that word looks funny--and genuinely want answers, dammit.
Edit: And if an answer is provided, I would really appreciate reasoning. I'd like to know "why", in other words.