I think simply increasing the SOUND OF HOOVES incoming, would help alot more than drastically changing everything. And no, dont say go download heavy hooves, just make it part of crpg, so that its no longer a factor based on downloading something everytime theres a patch, and so that everyone gets it.
Also, throwers have equalized alot of the perceived disparity between cav and footmen.
AND what crpg needs badly is a TEST SERVER. I've heard talk of eliminating EU 4. Make it a test server, and let people see some options for a month or 2 instead of cringing and over thinking every little change that might cause a shit storm of whining about imbalance.
Cav is supposed to be scary and powerful, and takes quite a bit out of ones build, and costs alot to maintain compared to a footman and all the looms they can thus buy because they arent spending on a horse, a shield and 2 weapons every round.
As for the the OP's ideas? Well if we had a test server, it wouldnt be exactly a big deal to try out as described, now would it?