Author Topic: Langes Messer + Grosser Messer --> X becomes Polearm, rather then Two Handed  (Read 2276 times)

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Offline Phalanx300

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As shown in this video the techniques would fit better if they both used the Polearm animation after pressing X. Rather then the Two Handed animations.

Also the sword in the video is called Langes Messer, however in cRPG the Langes Messer is bigger then the one in the video?

Offline Spawny

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The langes messer allready uses the polearm animation for thrusting in 2h mode, which makes it a VERY short range attack. Would be even worse for the grosse messer, as it allready has very little reach.
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

Offline Jacko

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Amazing videos tho..

Offline Spawny

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Amazing videos tho..

Check out the longsword fencing videos. Try to spot a lolstab  :mrgreen:
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

Offline Jacko

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Hah yeah I've seen em before. Besides the lolstab (:lol:), we have a long way to go before we ever see anything like "real" medieval fighting in a game.
But I must say "feinting", holding attacks and hugging is not all that off in warband, it's a good representation of the real thing.
« Last Edit: August 16, 2011, 11:08:48 am by Jacko »

Offline Mala

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Also the sword in the video is called Langes Messer, however in cRPG the Langes Messer is bigger then the one in the video?
Messer means just knife (or langes messer for long knife) , so it it just a rough description of the function and not one of a specific look.

Offline Spawny

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Messer means just knife (or langes messer for long knife) , so it it just a rough description of the function and not one of a specific look.

Just to add: grosses messer = big knife.
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

Offline Phalanx300

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The langes messer allready uses the polearm animation for thrusting in 2h mode, which makes it a VERY short range attack. Would be even worse for the grosse messer, as it allready has very little reach.

Yes but I mean in making it the same way the Longsword is handled. So also for the swings. Yes it already has little reach but it would make it more accurate and fun.  :P

And yeah their videos are amazing.

Offline Spawny

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Yes but I mean in making it the same way the Longsword is handled. So also for the swings. Yes it already has little reach but it would make it more accurate and fun.  :P

Wouldn't that make the weapons really crappy polearms?

One thing I'd like to see is the polearm thrust animation on ALL 2h swords (and the goedendag), instead of just on the flameberge and the langes messer in 2h mode. Now that's a realistic way of stabbing with a 1,20 meter long blade.

I would exclude the grosses messer though, it's allready very short as it is and it's a 1h weapon only. Polearm sideswing animations while holding a shield would look a bit silly, as it doesn't have a secondary mode to make it a 2h weapon.
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The problem is even if you are number 1 in NA you are still only number 467 in EU or the worst in AUS(number 17)

Offline Phalanx300

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Wouldn't that make the weapons really crappy polearms?

One thing I'd like to see is the polearm thrust animation on ALL 2h swords (and the goedendag), instead of just on the flameberge and the langes messer in 2h mode. Now that's a realistic way of stabbing with a 1,20 meter long blade.

I would exclude the grosses messer though, it's allready very short as it is and it's a 1h weapon only. Polearm sideswing animations while holding a shield would look a bit silly, as it doesn't have a secondary mode to make it a 2h weapon.

Techniques in the video I posted shows that "Halfswording" also applies for the shorter blade. Besides having Two Handed animations just look weird with those weapons.

Offline BreakIn

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Mate... Almost nobody use this weapons and u want to make it even worse? No, i do not agree. Polearm animations will just slow this weapons down and they will be useless.

Offline Phalanx300

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Do you actually read?

I mean as a secondary mode ofcourse. (By pressing X, you should try that once) For those that do use the weapons....

Offline Teeth

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Hah yeah I've seen em before. Besides the lolstab (:lol:), we have a long way to go before we ever see anything like "real" medieval fighting in a game.
But I must say "feinting", holding attacks and hugging is not all that off in warband, it's a good representation of the real thing.
Real medieval fighting was nothing like those videos.

Offline MouthnHoof

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The Langemesser is too short to be swung like a polearm. The half-sword stabbing does look a bit like the polearm anymation and this is why it is used. It is a zero-range attack where the shortness of the weapon is actually an advantage. Note that in the video they do not swing in half-sword grip. The real 2H swords (bigger than the long sword) were probably used much more as a polearm in the half sword grip, rather then swung from the hilt - the roles of primary and secondary modes were reversed with "normal" sword grip being the alternative. The longsword is at near the limit of how long a blade can get and still be effective for fast sword play in a normal sword grip. For the Langesmesser the halfsword grip for the thrust is just a way to get a lot of power out of a very short thrust without any momentum or lunge.

The other point of keeping the left hand on the back of the blade with one edge swords is that it is very useful if the swords are in a bind. In that case you can deliver a very strong push with all your weight behind it - it will easily overpower an opponent who grips the sword by the hilt and push his own blade into his body/face, followed by the sharp side of yours. It also protects the left hand if you want to keep it infront for a grip attempt. Notice that a lot of the moves are aimed at chopping hands and the combatants keep the left hand behind their back to protect it if it is not on the back of their blade.

Offline Farrok

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this video has nothing to do with real battles...its only for fencing in duel.

and the Langes Messer isn`t a sword ;) its rather a was a weapon for thus who aren`t from noble blood because only nobles were allowed to use (double-edged) swords...

The Langes Messer in cRPG is bigger because they had bigger versions too (the short one is the Großes Messer ingame, both names for the weapon) goes from little onehander to big twohander
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