Age 46 [31]
Experience 11368036
Level up at 17784806
Kills 13951
Death 3840
Gold 131873
Generation 12
Attribute Points 0
Skill Points 1
Weapon Proficiency Points 4
Convert 2 Skill Points into 1 Attribute point.
Strength 15
Agility 21
One Handed 145 [9 WPF cost]
Two Handed 1 [1 WPF cost]
Polearm 100 [5 WPF cost]
Archery 1 [1 WPF cost]
Crossbow 1 [1 WPF cost]
Throwing 1 [1 WPF cost]
Ironflesh 0
Power Strike 5
Shield 6
Athletics 7
Riding 6
Horse Archery 0
Power Draw 0
Power Throw 0
Weapon master * 7
Spent a bunch of gold buying a bunch of different horses and shields and weapons. Since archers are cheap to mainatin, get gold I made my archer alt my main archer player. Also have a 2h/thrower alt.
For anyone who didnt realize this, every level after 30 the total xp requirement doubles so you would need 128 million xp for level 35. No reason for it as 1-2 extra levels make no difference (chadz doesnt realize this), used to make sense to grind plus 12 levels, but now its not that different from native. getting bored a lot quicker with most of these characters as really easy now (except archery which is now a joke class after the changes, spend an hour being annoying with inaccurate flea bites).
Also, there is a soft wpf cap where once you hit 100 wpf, every 10 additional wpf causes +1 price per wpf (5 for 101-110, 6 for 111-120, 7 for 121-130, etc.). Kind of an extreme over-change but it makes it easy to be a 2h/thrower tin can spammer as every one blocks and swings so slow, though Im already getting bored with that and every other build as much of the challenging fun is gone.