Author Topic: [Strat mechanics discussion] Castles and Towns - does it make any sense?  (Read 3674 times)

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Offline Erasmas

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This is not a whine post.

This post is aimed in presentation of our (Grey Order) opinions regarding the game mechanics of Strategus, and is primarily addressed to developers and other clan leaders, in hope that these comments will be taken into consideration in the inevitable patch to Strat. We also hope that this post will give an opportunity for other clans to share their experience in fiefs/castles/towns conquests and management. 

The Grey Order most recently have taken the Haringoth Castle. Below we set out the principal bugs encountered during the battle; I know that in other posts this bugs were mentioned already, this is just to sum up our experience:

(click to show/hide)

Apart from the in-game bugs, there is a principal problem:

Does it make any sense to conquer castles and subsequently towns?

We will disclose here some data that were difficult to obtain before:

Castles are not good for that. Even with few (3-5) persons recruiting the chance of recruitment of one troop per hour is 22% - 28%. That is not related to the population of the castle.
Gold (Work)

This seems to be related to the population of the castle. In a fully populated castle you may earn appr. 65-66 gold per hour with 3-5 guys working inside. Following the conquest of the castle the population drops to 100 and the wages drop to 2 (!!!) gold per hour with 3-5 guys working inside.

Population Growth

This is an important factor as apparently gold depends on that. If you conquer the castle the population drops to 100. The current growth rate is still hard to assess, but not higher than 20-30 per 24 hours. If this rate is constant (i.e. if the pop growth rate does not increase with the increase of the actual population),  it will take appr. 150 days to achieve full population in the castle. 4 – 5 months… And it is now impossible to convert population into troops and troops into population.

In addition to that fiefs and castles do not earn money on their own (i.e. for the fief/castle owners). There is an issue of the “Capital City”. This feature was bugged in the first Strat. As far as we know, even if you set the Capital City, your fiefs will not earn money on their own. Maybe (just maybe – to be verified) the Capital City have to be in the TOWN, but no one checked that yet.   

So if you are considering conquest of the castle, be aware that you will pay for that with the tickets lost and gold paid for equipment. Even if you are lucky, 4500 tickets and some 500k gold is at stake. Your gain, however, is really limited.

Towns are a big unknown at the moment, but obviously recruitment is shitty there as well, and gold production decent (about 85g per hour with appr. 30 guys working inside). However, if the conquered town behaves in the manner similar to the castle (low population after conquest, low population growth ratio, drop of money earned due to drop of population, low recruitment) – which in my own humble opinion will be the case – than it will require a very brave clan to risk at least 20.000 troops and who knows how much gold to risk the attack and gain close to nothing for quite a long time.  And even after the castle or town is strong again with full population, the return of investment is very long - term.

A word to developers:

We are all beta testers of this game. We check the in-game bugs and report them to you hoping that the next game version will be better and more fun. We pay for that with our RL time and frustration when something goes wrong.
Strategus is a strategic game. We fight for land and influence. To do that we need troops and money, (as well as some political skills, patience, in-game tactical skills and ability to look in future – but this is another story).  Any conquest we attempt is driven by all this factors, but, just as in RL, the gain (or lack of it) influences shapes of any ambitious plans to a greatest extent.

Being developers, you probably want to see epic battles for towns and cities. That gives you better understanding of  what needs to be changed in future patches. For that reason, please be advised that the current game mechanics provides a very little MOTIVATION to start a new battles for castles and towns. We are aware that this paradigm is aimed in providing better chances for smaller clans without land. The price, however is a lower number of Strat battles overall.  Lower number of battles for castles and towns in particular. And this gives you less chance to verify implemented game mechanics.

Just as in the first Strat there will be a moment of stagnation, where all land is distributed, political stabilization achieved and only minor fights between neighboring clans occur. Will we see another Pub Crawl then? Just to prolong the life of this Strat version?

Give us some motivation to fight. The targets make clans stronger and players involved. Players' ambitious plans make Strategus stronger.

A word to other clan leaders:

Share your experience and thoughts. It is a part of beta, isn’t it?

Now, a word to all of you:

Do not be surprised if you will not see epic conquests of castles or towns arranged by Grey Order in the nearest future. We do claim, however, the towns of Praven and Suno as well as Ryibelet Castle and Tevarin Castle as our own. If you dare to attack it – we WILL take it back, at any cost.

Grey Order
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 04:16:13 pm by Erasmas »
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Offline Keshian

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Well written.  Fully agree.  Even taking villages - village owners still don't get the doubled recruitment rate that was promised.  These town/castle attacks might be worthwhile in long run if not just owner but  whole clan got doubled troops/gold in every fief owned (and also not just doubled troops in castle, but also doubled earning and also for all fiefs).  - Where middle-eastern meets red-hot and spicy!

"[Strat 5]... war game my ass, tis more like a popularity contest"  Plumbo

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Usefull post, atleast to the clans who are planning to siege a castle.

Offline Dehitay

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Nicely thought out and well written post.

While castles and towns are practically useless as of now, I believe they do have a use for future ideas. I believe villages will be making 3 different kinds of crafting materials. And a smithing skill will be introduced which allows the production of equipment using those crafting materials that will probly need to be gathered from multiple villages. If they smithing can only be done at castles and towns, then there's more of an advantage to owning them as that will be the only way to make heirloomed weapons for troops. However, as for the current version of strategus, castles and towns are indeed not going to end up being worth the effort monetarily. I really wish the dev team would start introducing new features as they develop them. If they add everything at once, I see many problems occuring at once.

Offline Zaharist

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Well written.
Igni et ferro

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i just want xp so waking up at 6 am is worth SOMETHING
The purpose of wearing plate has become nothing more than crippling yourself to look like a knight... or maybe its my lack of athletics

Offline Erasmas

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I would like to see the comment of the dev team. I do not count on it too much though...
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 11:15:43 pm by Erasmas »
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Offline Digglez

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kinda silly that population = # of troops?  Shouldnt civilian population be completely separate from troops levels.

Civilian population should be positively influenced by donating gold to an extent, lower troop levels present
Civilian population should be negatively influenced by excessive recruiting, taxation, troop levels, fighting

Recruiting should be positively influenced by higher populations, higher taxes (villagers need money cuz ur taxing the shit out of the farmers)
Recruiting should be negatively influenced by constant fighting, over recruitment, excessively high troop levels present (police state, troops are harassing civilians)
« Last Edit: August 07, 2011, 11:20:44 pm by Digglez »

Offline Blondin

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I guess Dehitay is right, castle and town will have interest on next version. If i remember, villages will give ressources, castles will give troops, towns will allow equip production by crafting.

But they are useless in this version...

Edit : except if you rule a town you can kick all random ppl and grind gold only for your clan.

Edit2 : about pop and army, there will be raid, if you raid only army defend the village, if you attack then army+pop. (but i agree starting at 100 pop is strange).
« Last Edit: August 08, 2011, 12:05:21 am by Blondin »

Offline Butan

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kinda silly that population = # of troops?  Shouldnt civilian population be completely separate from troops levels.

Civilian population should be positively influenced by donating gold to an extent, lower troop levels present
Civilian population should be negatively influenced by excessive recruiting, taxation, troop levels, fighting

Recruiting should be positively influenced by higher populations, higher taxes (villagers need money cuz ur taxing the shit out of the farmers)
Recruiting should be negatively influenced by constant fighting, over recruitment, excessively high troop levels present (police state, troops are harassing civilians)

Never say "should" when trying to convince dev to change something  :lol:

Your idea are realist but very complex.

And population can be troops or AI would be left undefended at the start of the map, kinda fail.
There is still an "army", separated from population but both are used in battle, I think its fair.

Offline Digglez

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Your idea are realist but very complex.

So complex Sid Meier was able to code them over a decade ago in Civilization I

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Brrr told them multiple times that ladders should be buffed and nothing happened.
Did this already 1-2 months ago. Slots of some ladders are shit too... oh no im 2-H player i cant use Siege ladders.... etc...

Perhaps they will change it now after they have seen it in strategus.

Offline Amo_the_Grey

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Why you don't take a part in this discussion? Why dev didn't answer. I understand that nobody wants to change strat for better.

Offline Zaharist

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In current BETA we test new battle system and may be we are not supposed to pay attention to fiefs' management. chadz said that in the next patch there will be completely different gameplay. May be this discussion is useless until final version of fief management is released.
Igni et ferro