True, I must have shot him...seing as Im the only guy with a bow in crpg, IT MUST HAVE BEEN ME: Reguardless of the fact that DURING him pikeing me, opposite team (who were rushing out of doubledoors round the village (Map: Village) fired at us as they climbed the ladders from behind); attacking our players from behind:
Also: YEAH players were dieing, Im wearing mail shirt and did my best to avoid his silly pike, so it took him QUITE a while to kill me, between me dodging and the friendly hitboxes not being 100%, took him over a minute to kill me. *Team damage isnt even on 100% is it?*
Of course, you could be right, I COULD be provoking random players into attacking me in spawn to report them, purely for fun. I mean, hey, I hate PLAYING, trolling is so much better......
REALLY? Get a grip Thomek, answer the phone, its reality calling. Do the job you volunteered for, or not, but dont make silly comments to me, if I wanted to "frame" ppl I'm sure I could do a better job, but WHY WOULD I? I dont understand any motive behind it, and if that's your idea of a good time, dont tar me with your brush you loon.
Also, can we have fair rules: Jacko's comment needs removing and he needs a warning for spam, since his comment is just...well I wont qualify it by responding tbh.
All in all, it should be fairly obvious WHY I never bother to report this kind of bullshit....