I never thought, I did any wrong.
Until an Admin banned me for long.
I discovered to my dismay.
That I and others exploited for pay.
If you wonder of what we did.
I shall explain this evil sin.
There is a way to gain exp and gold.
Doing this act was really not bold.
Although it seemed like a perfect gold mine.
It ended up to be a hefty fine.
I journeyed to the land of DTV
Where my comrades instantly killed me.
I quickly retalliated with my Sword of War.
We ended up killing each other more and more.
I soon realized and exp and gold gain.
I started thinking "THIS IS INSANE"!!!!
To my excitement I enjoyed the grind.
But yes, the guilt was in back of my mind.
I brought dishonor to all of Crpg.
Remorse is not well deserved for me.
Instead of cheating and being dishonorable.
I should have reported and saved myself lots of trouble.
Now I'm here typing an essay of shame.
There is noone else but myself to blame.
All I can do is ask for forgiveness.
Even then will the dishonor be endless.
Heed my warning for those who plan to cheat.
You will face nothing but Defeat.
Not only is this evil act wrong and unfair for other players.
It practically makes me a game slayer.
Those who play honorably and legal.
May not want to draw swords in the presence of a criminal.
I know now that what I have done was evil and demented.
Somehow, someway I hope to be repented.
As a lesson to those who have not yet been defiled to being greedy.
Lead others into the path of integrity.
Exploiting is surely not worth it.
For when the admin comes you might as well forfeit.
I apologize to all of Crpg.
For my crimes, my dishonor, my lack of dignity.
Someday I hope to replenish my honor once again.
Also to wash away this filthy stain.
As I've recited once before.
Cheat on Crpg and you can play no more.
Do not be like I, and end up banned.
Hopefully everyone will understand.
If you ever witness an evil act.
Having integrity is something you shouldn't lack.
It it not cowardess to tell on a criminal.
It would make the cheating kept to a minimal.
So if your path comes to a fork in the road.
All you need to do is stick to the code.
Never choose evil even if it offers temporary riches.
The Good will always overcome it and send it to the ditches.
If my message is not yet clear.
Then your future is something I fear.
To keep this poetry plain and simple.
Do not cheat on Crpg.
Or you'll surely, most definitley.
Be popped like a pimple.