I'm not really sure how they could have set up an organized defense when one or two of them were spawning in at a time. I'm not sure what you were seeing, but I was in all three of the LLJK battles and there was no way the defenders could get something coherent ready in time to repel a concentrated cav charge and then a shield rush for their flag. Maybe by the third battle the opposition just gave up but I don't think Shogunate was ready to just roll over for us, and even they couldn't get something in place before we were all up in their business. No matter what anyone says about them they are an experienced clan with a lot "better" players than we have and honestly without the stupid spawn thing we either would have gotten rolled or it would have been really really bloody.
It's really a dumb mechanic and anyone who says "oh they could have defended, they were just disorganized" really should rethink their stance.
When the attackers have 90%+ of all their troops spawned in (regardless if it's one at a time) they can setup a defense. You should have people on your side all in some voice chat program and have someone in charge giving directions. If you don't, then of course nobody can organize a defense.
DFC had more than enough people to organize a defense vs ATS. And Pecores had more than enough people to defend against LLJK's spawn rush. Yes, the attackers have a disadvantage, but that in no way makes it impossible or completely unreasonable to expect them to be able to defend their spawn point.
You are taking the position of an extreme "it's extremely difficult or impossible given the spawn mechanics" for the attackers to defend their spawn. I'm taking the moderate position: "Yes, the spawn mechanics work against the attackers, but they still have enough people (if organized properly) to defend their spawn point from a defender rush".
I think it is you (and your drama queen friends) who need to rethink your position. The spawn system is not broken, it's not perfect either. If there was a bigger distance between spawn points on the map the current system would work fine (as far as the initial zerg rush of the defenders). Or if the defenders could only stay on their side of the map (and got an early head start for setting up defenses) this spawn system would work just fine.
That still leads to the problem of 2000 tickets and having only one or two people show up to defend. In order to kill all 2000 of those troops/tickets, you would need to kill that same person over and over again 2000 times (and when it takes 30 seconds to spawn for that one person, it's going to take literally all day and night). So obviously the spawn system needs to be re-worked. But your claims that the attackers have it so hard that it's nearly impossible to defend their spawn point, is bullshit, facetious, and bordering on outright lies.