I really think this should be somewhat priority, (I guess after mechanical issues) but if any graphic updates are coming, this should be a natural.
Also as I stated earlier, some items could be replaced with more interesting.useful/graphically more pleasing items that would make crpg visually better:
Tourney helmets - no one uses them. Their crests are awkwardly small and dull. I would prefer 'War of the roses' Mod helmets if we want a few with tourney crests, or anything other than the current ones.
Do we really need three different versions of the nordic warlord style helmet?
10 different styles of the non-unique nasal helmets?
Does anyone wear the Khergit or Vaegir elite armor?
16 Dresses? 16? lol
I think there is room for swapping better stuff in, I'd start with a few dresses and probably a couple of the more redundant nasal helms.
as long as they keep the high standards of WHAT they swap in, good job on that so far (in terms of graphics/scaling on model)