Author Topic: The list where weapons are worn...  (Read 1385 times)

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Offline Dekiri

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The list where weapons are worn...
« on: January 17, 2011, 09:45:51 am »
There was a list on the old forums where a certain item was worn and if it showed up or not when worn .. does anyone still have it? I believe it was the one that also showed special effects of weps. I can find that data still but not the "where something is worn or if it shows up" part of said post.

would be greatly appreciated

Offline Punisher

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Re: The list where weapons are worn...
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2011, 07:50:50 pm »

Practice Dagger: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Carried on left
Wooden Stick: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Cudgel: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Sickle: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Not visible when holstered
Club: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Hatchet: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Knife: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Carried on left
Hand Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Practice Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Light Spiked Club: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Dagger: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Carried on left
Cleaver: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Not visible when holstered
Torch: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Not visible when holstered
Pickaxe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Long Dagger: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Carried on left
Falchion: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Butchering Knife: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can't be used to block, Carried on right
Hammer: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Spiked Club: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
One Handed Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Iron Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Fighting Pick: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Knobbed Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Nordic Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Short Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Spiked Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Nomad Sabre: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Nordic Short Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Simple Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Nordic Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Sarranid Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Flanged Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
One Handed War Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Yanmaodao: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Soldier's Cleaver: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Scimitar: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Sarranid Arming Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Fighting Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Short Arming Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Military Sickle: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Iron Battle Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Light One Handed Battle Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Winged Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Nordic Short War Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Liuyedao: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Italian Falchion: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Scottish Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Military Pick: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Grosses Messer: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Iberian Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Niuweidao: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Nordic War Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Elite Scimitar: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Arming Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Sarranid Guard Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Sword of Whine: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Military Cleaver: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Military Hammer: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Long Arming Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Sarranid Cavalry Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Knightly Arming Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Langes Messer: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Next item is secondary mode, Carried on left
Langes Messer (TwoHander): Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Nordic Champion's Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Espada Eslavona: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Iron War Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
One Handed Battle Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Broad One Handed Battle Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Carried on left
Wakizashi: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Warhammer: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can knock down, Carried on left
Italian Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Long Espada Eslavona: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left
Side Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on left


Practice Longsword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on back
Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Two Handed Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Maul: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Carried on back
Battle Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Two Handed War Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Mallet: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Carried on back
Shortened Voulge: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Shortened Military Scythe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on back
Sarranid War Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Great Maul: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Carried on back
Bardiche: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Spiked Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Can use with shield, Carried on left
Bastard Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can use with shield, Carried on left
Morningstar: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can use with shield, Carried on left
Great Axe: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Goedendag: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Can knock down, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Sarranid Battle Axe: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Studded Warclub: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Iron Mace: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Carried on back
Dadao: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Heavy Bastard Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can use with shield, Carried on left
Longsword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can use with shield, Carried on left
Bar Mace: Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Great Bardiche: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
War Cleaver: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Carried on back
Two Handed Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Miaodao: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Heavy Great Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Great Sword: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Sword of War: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Katana: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Can use with shield, Carried on left
Two Handed pike of tears: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Two Handed Sword of Cookies: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Nodachi: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Flamberge: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Not visible when holstered


Pitch Fork: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Trident: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Staff: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Horse Thrust, Can knock down, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Scythe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back
Shortened Spear: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Boar Spear: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back
Voulge: Slash, Overswing, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Arena Lance: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Quarter Staff: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Horse Thrust, Can knock down, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Jousting Lance: Horse Couch, Bonus against shields, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Spear: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Pike: Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Not visible when holstered
Military Scythe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back
Bamboo Spear: Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
War Axe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Light Lance: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Military Fork: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered
Hafted Blade: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on back
Long Voulge: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
War Spear: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Carried on back
Ashwood Pike: Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Not visible when holstered
Great Lance: Horse Couch, Bonus against shields, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Long Spiked Club: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can knock down, Carried on back
Lance: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Long Hafted Knobbed Mace: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can knock down, Carried on back
Battle Fork: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered
Iron Staff: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can knock down, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back
Double Sided Lance: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered
Boulder on a Stick: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Can crush through blocks, Can knock down, Not visible when holstered
Long Hafted Spiked Mace: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can knock down, Carried on back
Awlpike: Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back
Long Hafted Blade: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Slash, Carried on back
Glaive: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Carried on back
Heavy Lance: Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Looney Toons Axe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
Long Awlpike: Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Carried on back
Long Axe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Long Bardiche: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Lance of Compensation: Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Penalty with shield, Not visible when holstered
Bec de Corbin: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Can knock down, Carried on back
Long War Axe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Poleaxe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
German Poleaxe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
Great Long Axe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Great Long Bardiche: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Unbalanced, Bonus against shields, Carried on back
Elegant Poleaxe: Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Can't be used on horseback, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered


Arrows: Carried horizontally on back
Barbed Arrows: Carried horizontally on back
Khergit Arrows: Carried horizontally on back
Bodkin Arrows: Carried horizontally on back


Bolts: Can penetrate shields, Carried on right
Steel Bolts: Can penetrate shields, Carried on right


Green Arena Shield: Carried on back
Yellow Arena Shield: Carried on back
Red Arena Shield: Carried on back
Blue Arena Shield: Carried on back
Old Round Shield: Carried on back
Old Kite Shield: Carried on back
Old Heater Shield: Carried on back
Hide Covered Round Shield: Carried on back
Wooden Shield: Carried on back
Old Board Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Plain Round Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Plain Kite Shield: Carried on back
Plain Heater Shield: Carried on back
Leather Covered Round Shield: Carried on back
Nordic Shield: Carried on back
Plain Cavalry Shield: Carried on back
Round Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Plain Board Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Kite Shield: Carried on back
Heater Shield: Carried on back
Round Cavalry Shield: Carried on back
Horseman's Kite Shield: Carried on back
Heavy Round Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Board Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Heater Shield: Carried on back
Kite Shield: Carried on back
Kite Shield: Carried on back
Kite Shield: Carried on back
Kite Shield: Carried on back
Fur Covered Shield: Carried on back
Horseman's Heater Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Norman Shield: Carried on back
Heater Shield: Carried on back
Heavy Kite Shield: Carried on back
Heavy Heater Shield: Carried on back
Knightly Kite Shield: Carried on back
Heavy Board Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Elite Cavalry Shield: Carried on back
Knightly Heater Shield: Carried on back
Plate Covered Round Shield: Carried on back
Huscarl's Round Shield: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
Steel Buckler: Carried on left
Steel Buckler: Carried on left
Steel Shield: Carried on back


Hunting Bow: Carried on back
Short Bow: Carried on back
Nomad Bow: Carried on left
Khergit Bow: Carried on left
Strong Bow: Carried on left
Long Bow: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back
War Bow: Can't be used on horseback, Carried on back


Hunting Crossbow: Carried on back
Light Crossbow: Carried on back
Crossbow: Can't be reloaded on horseback, Carried on back
Heavy Crossbow: Can't be reloaded on horseback, Carried on back
Sniper Crossbow: Can't be reloaded on horseback, Carried on back


Stones: Next item is secondary mode, Not visible when holstered
Stones (OneHander): Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Knives: Not visible when holstered
Darts: Next item is secondary mode, Carried on right
Darts (OneHander): Thrust, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Daggers: Not visible when holstered
War Darts: Next item is secondary mode, Carried vertically on back
War Dart (OneHander): Thrust, Not visible when holstered
4-Point Shuriken: Not visible when holstered
6-Point Shuriken: Not visible when holstered
Siege Shield: Not visible when holstered
Snowflake: Not visible when holstered
Francisca: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Not visible when holstered
Francisca (OneHander): Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Axes: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Axe (OneHander): Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
Javelins: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Carried vertically on back
Javelin (Polearm): Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered
Heavy Throwing Axes: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Not visible when holstered
Heavy Throwing Axe (OneHander): Slash, Overswing, Horse Slash, Bonus against shields, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Spears: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Carried vertically on back
Throwing Spear (Polearm): Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered
Jarids: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Carried vertically on back
Jarid (Polearm): Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Lances: Bonus against shields, Next item is secondary mode, Not visible when holstered
Throwing Lance (Polearm): Slash, Overswing, Thrust, Horse Thrust, Horse Couch, Can use with shield, Not visible when holstered

Credits go to cmpxchg8b.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 07:53:07 pm by Punisher »

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Re: The list where weapons are worn...
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2011, 08:36:31 pm »
Awesome thanks for the repost  :D
“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless - like water. Now you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup, you put water into a bottle, it becomes the bottle, you put it in a teapot, it becomes the teapot. Now water can flow or it can crash. Be water, my friend.” - Bruce Lee