Author Topic: Ootl position on bans?  (Read 1310 times)

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Offline Mihai_qc

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Ootl position on bans?
« on: July 26, 2011, 12:56:18 am »
They can ban ppl for using rocks?

I was using rocks because I was out of money, I was actually hitting people, and they decided to ban me.

Is that legal? I was actually attacking. How can they be allowed to do that?

Edit: They told me to spawn with a weapon after I bought a weapon and missread the difficulty on it, poor, I bought quickly rocks and they still banned me. Did I mention I actually got a kill with them? :D

Edit2: Forgot to add, they let their members TK me without consequences. The guy who banned me, something like: OoTL_Dank? The guy who TKed: ManAtArms_Squabblin_OoTL (something like that)

Edit3: I would of posted this in the Admin ABooze section but it is mentionned that only cases involving EUROPEAN admins are treated:
"A. Nomination Phase
The Nomination Phase looks like this: you accuse an admin (EU only) of abuse of his in-game powers. You have to state the reason and bring some proof. Do this by posting a new thread with the name of the admin in the thread title. If me or cmp have the feeling that you are just joking around, there will be a mute incoming and your thread be deleted."
« Last Edit: July 26, 2011, 01:05:17 am by Mihai_qc »

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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #1 on: July 26, 2011, 01:17:46 am »
wrong forum mate.

i dont play on OOTL server for these very reasons, admins are immature and typically douchebag kneejerks.  they frequently use showname cheats when they're alive to find remaining players and how much hp they have left.

dont bother playing there, just boycott it and they'll shut it down for inactivity eventually

Offline Mihai_qc

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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #2 on: July 26, 2011, 01:27:29 am »
Yeah well, not much to voluntarily boycotting, they perm. banned me anyways. I'll never play on that server again.

BTW, right before banning me, they kept telling me how they're sure I was someone's ALT? Some guy in KOR? Dunno why... If this can help solve the case.

BTW #2, as I said before, the admin ABOOZE thread is EU only, that's what the topic that has been stickied says.

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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #3 on: July 27, 2011, 06:51:59 am »
No OoTL replies?

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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #4 on: July 27, 2011, 11:52:28 pm »
The best bet would be to PM Meow, since he is the one responsible for getting servers connected/disconnected to the database. You could also post your complaint in that the thread too, but I'm not sure if that's the right place.,5650.0.html
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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #5 on: July 28, 2011, 12:11:09 am »
to this date ive only banned allers, as for this guy, we have constant trolls on our servers constant testing the admins tolerance level, he has no pics or proof and i know dank had banned people, skrubbin doesnt tk without reason, i know hes quick to turn n swing when TWed on purpose at spawn

wrong forum mate.

i dont play on OOTL server for these very reasons, admins are immature and typically douchebag kneejerks.  they frequently use showname cheats when they're alive to find remaining players and how much hp they have left.

dont bother playing there, just boycott it and they'll shut it down for inactivity eventually
as to that reply, im glad you have so much experience on my server, i know dank has banned many people leeching n trolling since our server first came up, as for the show names cheats we do it a lot when dead due to curiosity if your too lazy to tab and see were dead, not my problem. By the way calling names, ya that's mature  :lol: Edit: also if our servers bad why s it 27/32 atm  :P

Edit: there we go got a mention, your name was Itrollyou, you were spawning constantly without a weapon, i know you, and you TWed with those rocks your ban is justified. we can bring up logs if need be of your constant trolling, which is ban able but i simply muted you, which you left and rejoined to continue trolling chat. 
« Last Edit: July 28, 2011, 12:28:44 am by tankmen »
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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #6 on: July 28, 2011, 12:28:38 am »
They can ban ppl for using rocks?

I was using rocks because I was out of money, I was actually hitting people, and they decided to ban me.

Is that legal? I was actually attacking. How can they be allowed to do that?

You did not get banned for using rocks... I banned you because you were teamwounding me and other teammates with them. This continued for multiple rounds after you were previously kicked for leeching without any weapon.
Edit: They told me to spawn with a weapon after I bought a weapon and missread the difficulty on it, poor, I bought quickly rocks and they still banned me. Did I mention I actually got a kill with them? :D

Edit2: Forgot to add, they let their members TK me without consequences. The guy who banned me, something like: OoTL_Dank? The guy who TKed: ManAtArms_Squabblin_OoTL (something like that)

I spoke to my clan member Skubbin (the one that TK'd you for Leeching), and imformed him that it was not cool, and that he would be kicked if he did it again. I should of written it in the chat, but I was lazy I was just speaking to him in vent.

Edit3: I would of posted this in the Admin ABooze section but it is mentionned that only cases involving EUROPEAN admins are treated:
"A. Nomination Phase
The Nomination Phase looks like this: you accuse an admin (EU only) of abuse of his in-game powers. You have to state the reason and bring some proof. Do this by posting a new thread with the name of the admin in the thread title. If me or cmp have the feeling that you are just joking around, there will be a mute incoming and your thread be deleted."

**His in game character name is ITrollYou, and I can provide game logs with all of the warnings you were giving.
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Re: Ootl position on bans?
« Reply #7 on: July 28, 2011, 12:57:15 am »
Also sorry I did not reply sooner I do not often read the Beginner Help and Guides.
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