
Do you think light cavalrymen should be handicapped like this?

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Author Topic: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?  (Read 10885 times)

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Offline Moscher

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #30 on: January 17, 2011, 11:24:20 am »

lawl noob I have plenty of screens where my footman wears no armor (only Leather Jacket and Woolen Hose), using pike and long voulge and I have a k d of 10 and most of these screens I was low level (17, 19 perhaps).

Same with my alt who is also low level I use only a sword (Nodachi, longsword, katana, miadao etc.), no armor.

With this shit unplayable Patch, now we get such arrogant Kiddy Game Admins?

This mod get more and more for the dogs.

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #31 on: January 17, 2011, 12:22:05 pm »
Jeez stop whining and learn to play.

Oberyn just wrecked apart my team 4 times with 40 kills after 4-5 rounds. Closest one on either team had 24 kills.

That was on a steppe horse, but probably with a heirloomed lance though. The map was not perfect for cav or anything. It was the classic desert map with a hill and an oasis.

He's a good player, and it should take a good player to rank on top above everyone else.

I guess his build is without compromise though. I bet he has much more riding than necessary for a steppe horse, (for speed and maneuverability bonus) I bet he has just enough PS to 1-shot the average player at the average speed + thrust with his heirloomed lance. I bet he has just enough shield skill to not be hit by all arrows, perhaps even covering part of the horse. He probably has very low or 0 athletics and IF, and no secondary skills from Polearms. 

In the build thread I say way too many players trying to do many things good, but end up doing nothing good. 
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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #32 on: January 17, 2011, 12:24:09 pm »
How can cavalry not be a viable option when cavalry players are the ones with the highest k:d ratio?

Just like unarmoured humans are vulnerable unarmoured horses are too. You just need to avoid the ranged fire and stay away from pikes and spears.

I also disagree that horses are too expensive. I still make money with a total equipment value of 50k-60k.

/ Just retired. Guess what I herloomed... :)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 12:27:29 pm by Riddaren »

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #33 on: January 17, 2011, 12:34:06 pm »
Oberyn is without doubt one of the best cav in cRPG.

Like Thomek said, it's only natural if a good player is dominating the scoreboard. It's even more interesting when many players of equal high level skill is on different teams. Sort of like a wildcard v wildcard situation.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 12:36:29 pm by Bjord »
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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #34 on: January 17, 2011, 12:44:15 pm »
Cav is fine as it is, it's normal to be a lot more expensive to play cav than infantry, after all cavalry are supposed to be elite troops, not everyone should have a horse. The change brought by the upkeep system is that noob cav can't own anymore because they don't afford to upkeep their heavy horses. Cav is still very strong, just look at players like DimaUrban or Oberyn, they always get crazy 10:1 k/d and they use light horses and medium armor.

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #35 on: January 17, 2011, 01:12:27 pm »
Cav is fine as it is, it's normal to be a lot more expensive to play cav than infantry, after all cavalry are supposed to be elite troops, not everyone should have a horse. The change brought by the upkeep system is that noob cav can't own anymore because they don't afford to upkeep their heavy horses. Cav is still very strong, just look at players like DimaUrban or Oberyn, they always get crazy 10:1 k/d and they use light horses and medium armor.

True but both those players would get massive K:d's without the horse too.

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #36 on: January 17, 2011, 01:13:34 pm »
In my opinion CAVs should have 1-3 horses they can take to earn good money.

Palfrey and Sumpter could easily be reduced to 4k and 6k
The other horses with no armor should be placed between 10-20k exception is destrier which should be at 25k.

Those fine little ponys are atm really balanced.
Im happy with the fact that armored are mostly gone.

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #37 on: January 17, 2011, 02:29:58 pm »
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Offline Tai Feng

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #38 on: January 17, 2011, 03:17:24 pm »
Cavalry is not underpowered.

1. There are enough horses on the battlefield.
2. Cavalry can make kills in the most easiest way.
3. Cavalry usually tops the charts.

All this is an indication that cavalry as a class is certainly not underpowered.

The only arguably underpowered thing are heavy horses, but some say they are fine so I'm not going to go into it.

This is all coming from an infantry player who simply has 5 points in Riding. I don't even have pure "cavalry build".

Lastly, complaints about cost are not justified. A *naked* rider with a Courser and Heavy Lance can pretty much keep up with the upkeep (correct me if I'm wrong) - and with that equipment alone end up #1 in kills.

Now try going crossbow and see how often you do the same. :)
« Last Edit: January 17, 2011, 04:43:29 pm by Tai Feng »
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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #39 on: January 17, 2011, 04:43:33 pm »
Light cavalry should be viable every round with light armour. I have yet to roll a cavalry character post-patch and test it, but if it's not, well, it should be.

Kalam! It should be... but right now, wearing only a white tunic with mail, mail chausses, no helmet, no gloves, heavy lance, Steel Pick backup, and heirloomed Norman shield - I cannot make money on a Sarranid. I can play about 5 rounds before I'm down several thousand gold and have to go Pilgrim Robe peasant again...

Huey, I'm glad you made a thread, man. I've been feeling the same way.
- Horse Charge was OP and needed a nerf.
- Armored Cav was OP (because of Horse Charge + armor) and needed a nerf.
- Light Cav was never a problem. Look at one angrily and it will drop dead. Working as intended.
- The cost of Light Cav needs to be lowered.

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #40 on: January 17, 2011, 04:50:00 pm »
Kalam! It should be... but right now, wearing only a white tunic with mail, mail chausses, no helmet, no gloves, heavy lance, Steel Pick backup, and heirloomed Norman shield - I cannot make money on a Sarranid. I can play about 5 rounds before I'm down several thousand gold and have to go Pilgrim Robe peasant again...

Huey, I'm glad you made a thread, man. I've been feeling the same way.
- Horse Charge was OP and needed a nerf.
- Armored Cav was OP (because of Horse Charge + armor) and needed a nerf.
- Light Cav was never a problem. Look at one angrily and it will drop dead. Working as intended.
- The cost of Light Cav needs to be lowered.

Then why do you still see 10+ cav/team every single round over and over and over again?

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #41 on: January 17, 2011, 04:58:37 pm »
I don't. I played a lot this weekend, and don't think I ever saw more than 5 other cav on my team.

Offline Tai Feng

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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #42 on: January 17, 2011, 05:06:04 pm »
Kalam! It should be... but right now, wearing only a white tunic with mail, mail chausses, no helmet, no gloves, heavy lance, Steel Pick backup, and heirloomed Norman shield - I cannot make money on a Sarranid.

So basically your complaint is that you're having everything an infantryman does, AND you still want a horse on top of that... but can't have it all the time? That's the entire point of upkeep system.

Try just Courser+Heavy Lance, in peasant outfit and not secondary weapon except maybe fork or something equally cheap.

I don't. I played a lot this weekend, and don't think I ever saw more than 5 other cav on my team.

On what server are you playing? I would like to come and watch.
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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #43 on: January 17, 2011, 05:20:02 pm »
Kalam! It should be... but right now, wearing only a white tunic with mail, mail chausses, no helmet, no gloves, heavy lance, Steel Pick backup, and heirloomed Norman shield - I cannot make money on a Sarranid. I can play about 5 rounds before I'm down several thousand gold and have to go Pilgrim Robe peasant again...

Huey, I'm glad you made a thread, man. I've been feeling the same way.
- Horse Charge was OP and needed a nerf.
- Armored Cav was OP (because of Horse Charge + armor) and needed a nerf.
- Light Cav was never a problem. Look at one angrily and it will drop dead. Working as intended.
- The cost of Light Cav needs to be lowered.

(click to show/hide)

As you can see, my character is a super hybrid :) I ride horses.( Palfry, and Rouncy). I use Heraldic mail, Red wisby, Mail Chausus, and kettle helm. I always have a great axe equiped. When I ride horsey, I equip my light xbow, and my lance. Cost: 32k More than effecient enough to make even on X1/X2 games and effective enough to make money at higher multipliers.

With the High(er) agility and a tad smidgen in polearms, i can lance effeciently on horseback(and even use polearms on foot fairly well). I can also be fairly accurate with my xbow while riding even when i have no HA, due to wpf and my own understanding of how xbows fire when "wide reticuled".

Problem: I get cockey or stop paying attention, I'm usually dead once that happens. My success as this horse xbow is entirely dependent on map and teams.
Therefore: Cavalry, if built right, and played right will always be effective.
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Re: [Complaint] Why make it so cavalry is not a viable option?
« Reply #44 on: January 17, 2011, 05:20:16 pm »
I played on NA all weekend, either on the 80 or 100. More than 5 or 6 cav per team was rare, if it happened at all.

Oh please. The average footman wears better armor than tunic over chain, and they also wear gloves and shoes. Come on man, you know you're overreaching by suggesting we all ride Light Cav essentially naked.