har I'm a troll
thanks for contributing nothing, as usual, also I wasn't talking about axes at all, I'm talking about the bar mace/MS, the unbalanced was there to offset the crush, without it honestly not, my MW bec is better range and speed than either of those with same damage, but for some reason in some areas we say oh we want "realism", oh its not fair the way the animation of your hands look that has to be unbalanced but hey if I use my bec then its fine
well guess what now everyone just runs around with poleaxes/becs or a 1h if they know whats right for em, or get stunned to death, honestly I do fine, better than noskill Gorath, I mean good players will just migrate to the best weapons(duh), not gonna keep playing 2h just to beat my head into high reduce armors and super long range/awesome duel weapons/stunning polearms/nearly unbreakable shield hyper speed 1hers, no point to do that
just saying 2h deserves some love, no reason to just fuck the class because of the retarded quasi-realism arguments basically offered by Gorath in the past, which never really made sense if we don't give a shit about realism here(I mean its so much more realistic for me to run around with a long spear and a bec on my back, honestly its easier for me now vs everything(horses/archers/2hers/1hs as a poleuser)