heroes hide behind invisable walls shooting while refusing to fight and taunting?
seen no one hiding, orders were to hold left hill and retake spawn and we switched between those position and followed attackers when they spread thin after they couldn't just quickly take our spawn.
How it comes to the strategy is a complete other story, as you don't seem to be one who is willing to hear them in the first place but just complaining and making false accusations i wouldn't even consider you worth telling it to you. To all others who think i choose this strategy out of free will and not out of necessity, let me tell you.
This is my first time in strategus, i got in late compared on what i have seen from others, and i do make mistakes because of stupidity, misunderstanding, mindfucking time differential battles and sleep deprivation. I'd like to have the time to plan a battle, look up the maps see the spots which are important and gather troops dependent on it, but atm i just have to do it the other way round. Look at what i got and make a plan. So no sorry from my site.