Well, I used to play before those slot changes and don't recall most archers being an issue in melee close combat fights. If that's the reason why they implemented slots, I spit on it.
I thought idea behind slots was to limit ranged players to use less arrows, bolts and throwing stacks. If they made those changes because archers were being able to use decent melee weapons then I have to say, with great sadness in my voice, that this player base has downgraded in skill imensely and became pussiefied big time.
Don't blame DaveUKR for being better than you in melee, practice to get on his level. Getting close to ranged player shouldn't mean insta win.
I love these stupid changes devs made over course of six months while I was away. Who cares about overly present lag since upkeep patch went online, missed shots (due to lag), crashes, BSODs and other nasty things we c-rpg players have to live with every day, hey they invented SLOTS...
Don't get me wrong, devs are doing immense job making this mod but it seems that they don't have an idea what they want to acomplish in the end.