Author Topic: Moschers cRPG Guide  (Read 56481 times)

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Offline Moscher

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Moschers cRPG Guide
« on: January 03, 2011, 04:18:20 pm »

Note that this guide is outdated. Still has some useful parts, just use with discretion.

Moscher's Fight Guide for Crpg
Compiled, Edited, and Revised by: nK_Jackel

Italian Guide from Legio DanyEle
Français Guide from cRPG_Lady,
中文 Guide from Murtagh0925,131433.0.html
Deutsch Guide from Moscher:,131390.0.html
Russian Guide from Segd:
Turkce Guide from Shavsheti:,
Dutch/Belgium  Guide from karel77:,141890.0.html
Hungarian  Guide from Ishar:,150812.0.html
Polish Guide from Arked:,100.0.html

First things first:
cRPG is a multiplayer mod to Warband where you can gain XP/Gold and level your character and buy your own equipment. It features more equipment than native, clans and deployable ladders, among many other novelties. It will eventually evolve into Strategus, a strategic level browser based game, with a world map, npc soldiers, caravans and more.

For the original cRPG discussion (outdated) visit,6.0.html


1. Installing cRPG
2. Creating an account on cRPG
3. Leveling your Character, retirement and heirlooming
4. Attributes
5. Skill Points
6. Weapon Proficiency Points (WPP)
7. So you want to be a Knight?
8.  Equipment
9. Weapon Information
10. Other Important Information

1. Installing cRPG
1. Installing cRPG
Downloading full Version of Warband (1.130)
Firstly, go to your M&B files section. For people with steam, it is under:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\mountblade warband
In this there is a folder called Modules.
Unzip the folder to modules

Now you have a cRPG folder in your modules section with all the files you need.

2. Go to
On this site, at the bottom, there are two download links.
Click the first one, and it will download. When it has finished, extract all the downloaded files to the new folder you have (cRPG). When it asks you if you want to copy and replace files, click yes to all.

Now you have a cRPG folder in your modules section with all the files you need.

2. Creating an account on cRPG

First, create a profile with the name you want to use in cRPG. Or you can use a profile you have already.

Next, connect to the EU_cRPG_1 server. Dont wonder if you need a Password, then connect EU_cRPG 2.
As soon as the server is full, it's locking down and setting a password. This password will stay until the server hits 100 people again, then it's removed again, until it hits 120 again, etc etc.

Be sure to add this to favourites, as it can disappear.
Now you have connected, you have let the server know your name, so you can create an account. Leave the server.

Now go to the same web site you went to to download cRPG. There is a login section. In the Username bit, type THE EXACT NAME you used to login to the server. It is very important that you make this username the same as your profile name.
Choose a password (it isn't secure, don't use an important password). Now you have logged in and created an account on the site.
You can now play cRPG and it will update your character as you play. (Gold and experience you earn in battle will be updated to the website, and skills/attributes you add and equipment you purchase will show up in game).

There are quite a few servers for cRPG. At the time of writing there is a North American server hosted by jest, 2 European servers, and a Chinese server. You do not have to do anything different to play on these servers, that is, your equipment and stats carry over from each server.

3. Leveling your Character
Be careful before choosing how to level your character. If you make a mistake, you can't change it except by resetting your character and being a peasant again.
Some people have posted their builds on the forums, so you can look at those for advice. Or, post asking for help with a cavalry/archer etc build, and people should give you some advice.
Try to plan your build as well - think carefully how your character will be when they are a high level.

I would HIGHLY RECOMMEND trying to find a clan to play with. Not only are clans a good way to meet people to play with, but more often than not, they can answer any questions you may have.

IMPORTANT: You can retirement if you make a wrong char or wanted to look other playing styles.

If you retire at level 15-30 you simply reset you character (keeping all your gold, items and current generation).
If you retire at 31+ your generation level increases (with the benefits mentioned above) and you get to heirloom an item you can currently use (meet the requirements of).

For examples of good character builds go here,130.0.html

Every level advancement you receive:
1 Attribute Point
1 Skill Point
4 Weapon Proficiency Points (WPP)

Your Peasant Starter Set:

Every person starts with the same stats, 35 Hitpoints, 3 strength and 3 agility, 2 skill points, and 30 WPP and 100 gold.

4. Attributes
- Strength: It is important to note that not only does each point of strength give you 1 extra hitpoint but strength is also necessary to use higher level equipment.
 IMPORTANT: The difficulty rating of armor and weapons (omitting shields, throwing weapons, and bows) is the amount of strength required to use said item.

- Agility: Every point of agility gives a 0.5 % weapon speed increase. Agility is essential if you plan on specializing in 2 Handers or Polearms.

5. Skill Points
Skill Point (Strenght Skills  can be raised every 3 Strenght Points)
Ironflesh: Increases health by 2 hitpoints per skill level.   
Power Strike:   Increases damage by 8% per skill level.
Power Draw: Increases the damage done by Bow weapons by 8% per level.
Power Throw: Increases the damage done by Thrown weapons by 8% per level.

Skill Points (Agility skills can be raised every 3 agility Points, only Horsearchery every 6)

Shield:    Increases shield speed/coverage/hitpoints. (Difficulty on shields uses this ability. i.e. 3 points on shield allows use of difficulty 3 shields).
Athletics: Increases run speed by 5% per level. (Very important if you don’t plan on buying a horse).
Riding:    Allows the use of mounts. (Difficulty on mounts uses this ability. i.e. 3 points on riding allows use of difficulty 3 mounts)
Horse Archery: Increases accuracy when using ranged weapons while mounted. (every 6 agility Points!!!)
Weapon master: Instantly gives 20 WPP + level of Weapon master x10. (Level 5 weapon master gives 70 WPP, level 6 give 80, etc).

IMPORTANT: Weapon Master is one of the most important skills in cRPG. Every point in weapon master gives you 20 +(wpp * 10). The higher level you gain more Weaponpoints per level automatic so its not necessary to raise Weaponmastery first.
Each character level gives 5 + (new character level/5) WPP, rounded down

6. Weapon Proficiency Points (WPP)

You are given 30 WPP to start off, it is important to raise your proficiency in your most used weapon type. WPP increases the speed and damage of the weapon type modified. 

There are:
One Handed:   Good All-rounder, best with shield.
Two Handed:   Good Damage, MUST BE A SKILLED MANUAL BLOCKER, there are a lot of enemies out there, and I’m sure you want to stay alive.
Polearm: Essential skill for horsemen who plan on using lances, and footmen using spears and other pole-weapons.
Archery: (MUST HAVE POWERDRAW) Increases your accuracy with a bow.
Crossbow: no additional skill required to use. Increases accuracy with crossbow.
Throwing: (MUST HAVE POWERTHROW) Increases accuracy with throwing weapons. t

IMPORTANT: For Bows and Throwing Items you will need Skill Points (Power draw or Power throw)
Requirements for Items

Bow Requirements = Power Draw
All other weapon requirements = Strength
Throwing Weapon requirements = Power Throw
Shield Requirements = Shield Skill Level

There is a decrease on WPP based on the weight of your armor, the formula is:
Total weight = Body armour + Leg armour + (Head armour)x3 + (Hand armour)x2

Where total weight is the amount of WPP decreased.

Important: Here is a perfect Link from Vargas, to calculate Armour and Wpf decrease:,37.0.html

to be good with a weapon you should invest at least 100 points into its corresponding proficiency.

From 2-50     it Costs to Raise 1 Point, 1 WPP
From 51-71    it Costs to Raise 1 Point 2 Wpp 
From 72-87  it Costs to Raise 1 Point 3 Wpp 
From 88-100 it Costs to Raise 1 Point 4 Wpp
All-in-all, you need 191 Weapon points to raise 1 proficiency to 100

Complete Wpf raising List from Gafferjack (Big Thx),795.0.html

Tips for getting Gold and XP

Expect to be frustrated, because as a Peasant, you are slow, unarmored, and for the most part entirely helpless.

Don’t expect to get any kills as a peasant, grab a shield and hide behind a big guy. Get in some opportune shots when you can, but don’t be over-zealous.

There is a thin line between "This guy is not worth my time" and "Man, this guy is annoying" unfortunately the latter usually means you die.

7. So you want to be a Knight?

Play as a Team, Leveling is easy, stay with the group and stay alive.
Some tips for leveling:
- Get a Shield, even the 24 Gold arena shield is better than nothing.
- Survive, Don’t take unnecessary risks and don’t go too near the fight
- There are almost certainly going to be heavily armored teammates near. Stay close to them.
- Fight with your Pitch Fork, The Fork is great because it has range. Disturb the enemy’s attacks where you can, but don’t try to kill. Hit and run is best peasant Strategy
- XP and Gold is only for Winning Team, the losing team only gets 25% of the round bonus.
- You must stand near the combat to be in range of the XP gain.
- Get armour that looks expensive, don’t be extravagant, but looking like a peasant makes you a target.
- Don’t forget that if you plan on using a bow you will need Power draw, many Beginners forget that
- Dance around and try to distract enemies for your teammates, you may die, but if it wins your team the round, that is XP in your pocket.

8. Equipment
In your inventory, you will see your starting equipment. You can sell this if you want. There is also a character equipment section, where you can select up to four weapons/shields, and armour from the items you have in your inventory. Once you have added what you want, press 'save this gear' and it will be what you take into battle.
You can also pick up dropped weapons on the battle field, if you meet the difficulty requirements.

There is also a Shop, where you buy equipment. It is divided into different sections - head armour, body armour, horses etc.
The equipment you buy is up to you, but as with levelling, do it wisely. Look at the stats of the weapons and decide which one you want. You can sell items you bought back to the shop for a decreased price (I think 2/3).
All the items in single player are in the shop, plus a lot more that have been added.

Most people follow these steps:
First, buy some very cheap body armour so you don't look like a peasant (peasants are targets for easy kills by very mean people).
Second, save up and buy the cheapest weapon in the category you want your character to be (if you want to be a 2hand user, buy the cheapest 2handed weapon).
Next, after dying a lot, save up for 3k armour so you don't die so fast.
Then, continue from there, better weapon etc.
You don't have to follow this pattern, you can do what you like.

Items also have a difficulty modifier. On shields, this is your shield skill (Huscarl shield, for example, needs 4 shield skill, or you won't be able to equip it, though you can still buy it).
On weapons and armour, it is your strength attribute (you need 16 strength to use the best body armour, 18 strength to use a flamberge, for example).

Get cheap Weapons:
Some examples for the different Styles

1- Hand: Falchion   201 g
2- Hand: Two Handed War Axe 443 g
Polearms: Spear   582 g
Throwing: Throwing Daggers  812g

9. Detailed Weapon Informations and capabilities   from Lamix,965.0.html

10. Other Important Information:
Here is the forum for cRPG:

Here is the thread for bugs and game problems, post here if you have such issues:,9.0.html

Here you will find latest Updades,31.0.html

cRPG is constantly being updated. chadz posts the updates here:,31.0.html
It should come up with a message in game telling you if your version is outdated. If this happens, visit the above thread and see what is in the update, and whether you need to redownload the whole mod or just the update zip (both located on your character login page)

You will see that the majority of threads in the forums are threads complaining about aspects of cRPG. This is normal feedback for a beta, and things sometimes need to be tweaked to keep th mod balanced. However, please remember that chadz (and his team of helpers) works very hard on this mod for your enjoyment, so please keep your whining to an absolute minimum.

You can also donate to help keep the server running. This option is available on your character log in page.

Finally, please remember to be polite, try not to rage too much, don't flame and don't team kill, team wound or abuse the poll system. And, help new players. If you are reading this, it is because you are new yourself. Remember this when you are a high level and have played for hours - you were once new too. So don't ignore noob questions, help as much as possible and be kind.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2011, 08:39:14 pm by Vargas »

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #1 on: January 03, 2011, 06:09:04 pm »
Nice putting it back. Since many are also posting the special languages guide in here, mind updating the links to his forum instead, so that we're completely free of TW ! xD
[14:36] <@chadz> when you login there is a message "your life as horse archer was too depressing for you. you decided to commit suicide. please create a new char"
[19:32] <@chadz> if(dave_ukr_is_in_server) then rain_chance = 98%;

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #2 on: January 03, 2011, 07:53:41 pm »
Nice guide  ;D Would have liked that when i started on CRPG  8)
Quote from: RamsesXXIX
Running around naked with 80 other guys.

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 11:53:30 am »

Polish Translation. Can someone make it sticky in polish part of forum?
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Offline Moscher

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #4 on: January 05, 2011, 10:14:24 am »
Thx for Polish Translation, i build it into the list:-)

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2011, 09:28:03 am »
Moscher, can you update parts of the guide in reference to the new patch?

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2011, 10:00:04 pm »
Can anyone tell me, after the patch, how many wpf u need to raise skill from 0 to 100? And how many to 120?
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2011, 11:10:34 pm »
Sure Dragon, but i will do it if the patch is fixed.


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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #8 on: January 07, 2011, 05:50:37 am »
At 150 weapon skill, WPF needs 10 per.

WPF doesn't feel like it increases swing speed anymore and polearms all have ridiculously fast base animations.

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #9 on: January 08, 2011, 04:01:30 pm »
What is Repair ??? it's not explain.

On my character page i can see:

Enable Auto-Repair?
Your timezone offset:

What it mean ?

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #10 on: January 08, 2011, 11:55:36 pm »
In Announcement are Patch Infos,

i wait because the fix list is very long and many players begging to changing system.

Here is first fixed version:

ou have 60 seconds to leave after the match started
you can join in the first 60 seconds
break chance: from 3% to 4%
repair cost: from 20% to 5%
repair dice roll: does not matter if you are on the winning or losing team.
fixing no heirloomed items bug ingame
changed xp from 1500 to 1000 per minute
siege - blue fog removed
some other minor stuff

Repair Costs 5 % means

You weare 50 k Plate, if you must repair it u must pay 2500 gold
                  60 k Horse                                                  3000 gold
etc etc.

So nobody wear good equip because nobody have the money for this.
So only chance is to heirloom medium items from 5 k so you have maximum costs of 250 Gold  per Item.
But is it fun to heirlooming normal stuff?  I think not.

I hope u understand now repair costs, when the update is fixed i will build it into guide

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #11 on: January 09, 2011, 12:14:16 am »
I would just need an info, if u know, how many points is needed to raise WPF from 1 to 100. I need to decide should I develop another proficiency or not.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2011, 12:21:23 am by Corwinus »
I mean, what have you got to lose? You know, you come from nothing, you're going back to nothing, what have you lost? Nothing!

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #12 on: January 09, 2011, 06:34:31 pm »
riding is 1/3 agility now

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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #13 on: January 10, 2011, 12:10:55 am »
I would just need an info, if u know, how many points is needed to raise WPF from 1 to 100. I need to decide should I develop another proficiency or not.
I don't have any exact info, but something around level 20-25 would get two skills at 100.
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Re: Moschers cRPG Guide
« Reply #14 on: January 10, 2011, 02:36:48 am »
Thx Banok,

i will change Guide after Patch is finished.

Now let me get back to finishing that patch, just dropped in here to announce this :).