Me, Gafferjack and Aldryk were the first to try this build the very same day the patch hit, it's not a glitch.
13 shield skills give 104% damage reduction to your shield making it unbreakable, it can still be crushed through or penetrated by a bolt in the case of an Arena shield.
The 3 of us got perma banned from NA 100 because they thought we were glitching/exploiting/hacking, Ecko has talked to chadz about this if it was intended or not and chadz told him that 13 shield skills was intended.
This build is pretty much the top support build, you do minimal damage if at all but you can stun players in the middle of a fight and distract them with your shield.
I remember one map in particuliar where I pretty much distracted the entire enemy team of I think 8 players at the time with Neo and we killed them all.