Often enough on EU, if I accidentally hit a teammate whilst battling an enemy they will later revenge-attack me. And I certainly see quite a lot of intentional team-attacking, along with revenge tks, and endless, endless polling. Accidentally tks seem very often to result in kick/ban polls almost immediately after. I once leech-reporting some naked guy who had been running around spawn punching those attack dummies for quite some time, and he almost immediately put up a ban poll on me for 'abusing QML'. Lots of polls.
It is true that there seems to be less conversation in general, probably as has been mentioned because of far more prevalent language differences. For that I am supremely grateful, because if the playstyle and endless polling is any indication, EU is full of assholes.
Now, I don't think there is any innate difference between EU players and NA players - it's simply that the NA servers are better policed. EU servers need it just as badly; they just don't have it. NA admins don't put up with intentional team-wounding, with revenge tks, and all that nonsense. People who like to do that either know to stay away or have already been banned.
I'm EU and have never noticed any of what you speak of. 99% of the time if you say 'sorry' for a tk, people will accept the apology. Or maybe you just don't apologise? In which case I could see why you would get poll kicked ect. There is a big culture in EU of as long as it's an accident and you apologise, there will be no revenge kills ect. Only occasional trolls will do otherwise. But you get that in both sets of servers.
There is less conversation, probably because of the language barriers, but judging by that comment and the fact that 5 NA rated your post, NA are equal if not more arseholes.
The few times I've played NA servers, have been far less policed than EU. EU there are some very good admins that ban/kick precisely the right people. They don't offer explanations, they don't need to. Usually there will be a warning and then a ban/kick. Few admins don't offer warnings on EU. My experiences with admins on NA (from observations) have been nowhere near so positive. But that's probably more due to the fact I spend most of my time in EU servers.
Also on a side note NA guys are more charismatic than EU. True story.
Judging by you, I wouldn't rate that comment.