
Who should run NA Strat server

The Original NA Team (Me and the 30 others i have who help)
205 (57.7%)
LLJK_Zealot and shik
150 (42.3%)

Total Members Voted: 355

Author Topic: NA Strategus Server Poll  (Read 38519 times)

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #375 on: July 15, 2011, 09:38:55 pm »
Honestly, with every post Ecko makes he looks more and more like a power hungry, whiny, asshole. And i lose respect for him with every one of those posts. Currently he's around -50 or so.

Also, chances are that Ecko doesn't want these servers from chadz because it would mean his bans mean alot less. In the past he has used server bans to be an asshole, either because it was someone he didn't like, or they posted something on the forums. Because he owns nearly all the populated NA servers, his bans could end an NA players ability to play the mod. Quite a few of his bans had nothing to do with in game behavior, therefore such people would not be banned on official servers.

He could also be angry because he realizes that as soon as there are servers in NA with impartial and fair admins, nobody will go to ATS servers anymore.

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #376 on: July 15, 2011, 09:39:26 pm »
When is this going to get locked?

Ecko will probably lock it himself after he realizes he is making himself look more and more like a jackass.  At least that is what he does on his other threads.

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In the past he has used server bans to be an asshole, either because it was someone he didn't like, or they posted something on the forums. Because he owns nearly all the populated NA servers, his bans could end an NA players ability to play the mod. Quite a few of his bans had nothing to do with in game behavior, therefore such people would not be banned on official servers.

He could also be angry because he realizes that as soon as there are servers in NA with impartial and fair admins, nobody will go to ATS servers anymore.

This is what it really comes down too.  You hit the head of the nail.  Apparently I was told by some of my fellow clanmates that Ecko came on our TS server to yell at me and ask me if I wanted to be banned for replying to his "Feel sorry for me poll" here http://forum.c-rpg.net/index.php/topic,5391.msg94290.html#msg94290 

This was after I supported him and I said I didn't want him to close the servers just fix your admin problems and everything will be alright. 

Constructive criticism just gets ignored by Ecko because he just rages instead of listening to what you might have to say.  He does not acknowledge problems or apologizes for mistakes.  He just acts like they never happened and gets upset they they get brought up again.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 09:50:01 pm by EyeBeatWomen »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #377 on: July 15, 2011, 10:32:51 pm »
Ok, after reading 20 pages of this, I need to chime in. People on one side of the fence are not fully explaining their argument, and the people on the other side are assuming the best. Let me lay out for you the worst case scenario:

Zealot isn't really paying for a server, but rather has a job in which he can basically run a server with little to no additional cost to himself. He hosts the server box in his house somewhere. This "server", for anyone not familiar with modern technology, is simply a computer in his house that he will keep solely dedicated to hosting cRPG.

What this means, is that he will have physical access to the machine that not only hosts our game, but also has all of our CD key and personal IP information on it. Even if he does not have "admin" on the server, he has direct access to the files. This means that he doesn't NEED admin to screw with the server, steal CD keys, or generally cause chaos.

He will also have direct access to be able to shut down the server to influence strat battles. And NO, I don't necessarily think chadz will do anything about it, because if Zealot DID do such things to influence outcomes, he'd no doubt claim that there was a power outage or some other reasonable excuse for what happened.

Zealot showed that he is willing to be a terrorist to the NA crpg community by illegitimately obtaining a password from someone, then using it to harm other people's enjoyment of the game. Is this the person you want in charge of even a power cord that he can plug in or unplug at his pleasure? Of course not.

And as far as LLJK in general is concerned, they have started to take things too far lately. They have recently started doing personal searches on the people behind the characters, looking for criminal records or any other dirt they could use to directly attack people's lives. I promise you, you do not want ANY of your personal information in their hands.

Most people who are supporting Zealot are vocally doing so with the understanding that he will NOT have the control or access outlined above, which is to say, "Have the server be physically accessible to him". If this is truly not the case, and there is a guarantee that he will not have physical access to the server, and therefore no access to information, why don't you, chadz, make that statement. You DO owe it to the community to let them know, not because of anything to do with the game, but because you are endorsing someone from a group KNOWN to attack people's personal lives, with personal information, and suggesting that we possibly give them a way to OBTAIN such information.

I am fairly sure I know why chadz has not said that yet. He hasn't said it because it is not the case, and he recognizes the possibility that Zealot CAN potentially do harm in the situation he'd be in.

I support an official NA server. I support an NA server run by the dev team. I even support Zealot paying for it. But I DO NOT support him paying for it directly, or hosting it in his home. If Zealot is going to do this, let him do it by giving the money to chadz, and letting chadz put the server in his name.

I don't know about the rest of you, but I am not interested in LLJK having access to my personal information/CD keys/etc.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 10:37:09 pm by Heroin »
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #378 on: July 15, 2011, 10:39:41 pm »
are you dumb?
Its not run by lljk its run by shik which is in official dev team...
As i said false argument on lljk but the problem is stupid mind ats.

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #379 on: July 15, 2011, 10:40:32 pm »
Where did you learn this?
Just a soldier

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #380 on: July 15, 2011, 10:40:53 pm »
are you dumb?
Its not run by lljk its run by shik which is in official dev team...
As i said false argument on lljk but the problem is stupid mind ats.

I would suggest remedial reading comprehension classes for you.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #381 on: July 15, 2011, 10:51:38 pm »
Where did you learn this?

Are you talking to me? And if so, what, specifically, are you asking about?

If you're referring to my mention of the possibility of him hosting it in his home, my answer is simple. I haven't. No one has said WHERE the server will be hosted, and that's my point. With him providing the server, we have no idea where it will be. But if the server is in his name, regardless of whether or not it's in his home, he will be able to get physical access to it. That is simply the way it works when you pay for a server in your name.

are you dumb?
Its not run by lljk its run by shik which is in official dev team...
As i said false argument on lljk but the problem is stupid mind ats.

If the server is going to be in Shik or chadz name, and Zealot will not have his name on anything, nor physical access to the server, then GREAT! Let them come out and say that. They haven't as of yet, and I suspect that they have not diffused that fear because that fear is the reality that we are currently living in.

I'm starting to feel like a broken record, because I feel like I've already said this just one post ago. Please learn to read.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2011, 10:54:59 pm by Heroin »
Quote from: Godfrey of Ibelin
I once fought for two days with an arrow through my testicle.

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #382 on: July 15, 2011, 11:01:19 pm »

What this means, is that he will have physical access to the machine that not only hosts our game, but also has all of our CD key and personal IP information on it. Even if he does not have "admin" on the server, he has direct access to the files. This means that he doesn't NEED admin to screw with the server, steal CD keys, or generally cause chaos.


You absolutely can not be this dumb? I mean, just damn. With a clan that has Native_ATS and use to have Gorath, this is the stupidest thing I have seen in this thread. That says a lot.
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No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #383 on: July 15, 2011, 11:02:52 pm »
you don't think someone could put a data sniffer on a server hardware or could access files if they could access the physical copy of their hard drive? Because if so, please mail me your hard drive  :lol:
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #384 on: July 15, 2011, 11:04:12 pm »
you don't think someone could put a data sniffer on a server hardware or could access files if they could access the physical copy of their hard drive? Because if so, please mail me your hard drive  :lol:

More like Heroin_ATS, the omnipotent, thinks the server will be in Zealot's house. You know, next to his cat, and his anime collection.
Quote from: chadz
No matter how long you guys cry - I will not give in to dumbing strategus down because some people just want battles. If all you want are battles, then play cRPG, not strat. There are other people who like advanced gameplay.


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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #385 on: July 15, 2011, 11:06:43 pm »
Regardless if the server is in Zealot's house or not (which to my knowledge, it would not be) he would have access to the server itself. Even if he does not have admin on the c-rpg server files, there is significant room for abuse because he has ownership and administrative rights of the physical server hardware.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #386 on: July 15, 2011, 11:13:07 pm »
Regardless if the server is in Zealot's house or not (which to my knowledge, it would not be) he would have access to the server itself. Even if he does not have admin on the c-rpg server files, there is significant room for abuse because he has ownership and administrative rights of the physical server hardware.

I do not care if Zealot can physically put his dick inside of the servers power supply.  The shit you and heroin are spewing isn't going to change chadz's decision.  Live with it.
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #387 on: July 15, 2011, 11:23:00 pm »
Regardless if the server is in Zealot's house or not (which to my knowledge, it would not be) he would have access to the server itself. Even if he does not have admin on the c-rpg server files, there is significant room for abuse because he has ownership and administrative rights of the physical server hardware.
If we're going down this road what's to stop chadz, or ecko or anyone else from taking your ip address calling your isp, finding your home address and sending you anthrax in the mail.  Just because it's something that could in some bizarro world happen, doesn't mean it's necessarily within the realm of possibility.

In short, I respectfully disagree.

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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #388 on: July 15, 2011, 11:29:49 pm »
If we're going down this road what's to stop chadz, or ecko or anyone else from taking your ip address calling your isp, finding your home address and sending you anthrax in the mail.  Just because it's something that could in some bizarro world happen, doesn't mean it's necessarily within the realm of possibility.

In short, I respectfully disagree.

Ecko has a long history of hosting a stable running server and has been more than fair to everyone who played by the rules. Zealot just a few weeks ago hijacked a server to ban and troll everyone online. That lies the difference.

Besides, ISPs don't release your home address unless a court warrant is involved  :wink:
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Re: NA Strategus Server Poll
« Reply #389 on: July 15, 2011, 11:35:39 pm »
Zealot just a few weeks ago hijacked a server to ban and troll everyone online.

My fiancee did it.