Thats almost it. Except the first part. The first bus was owned by Ecko Inc, and one of his drivers gave the keys to Zealot.
Almost. One of Ecko's drivers left the keys on the dashboard while he went to use the restroom. A random passenger on the bus used his
quik-key mold kit to make a duplicate set of keys and kept them for himself. Ecko's driver, having returned to the bus from the restroom, proceeded to drive on and everyone was happy.
A few months later, the random passenger boarded the bus again, and sat next to Zealot. They befriended each other and then the random passenger, grateful for having someone actually talk to and like him, gave Zealot the set of duplicate keys as a token of friendship.
Late at night, after the normal bus schedule, Zealot went to where the bus was parked, and using the set of duplicate keys he proceeded to take it for a joy ride.
Zealot was banned permanently. The random passenger was banned for a week. Ecko's oblivious driver had his bus keys taken away.