Announcement of ClosureBy request of someone we can see how long we last till we crumble under our own weight.,138310.0.htmlStancesInactive
AboutRemnants of Stratia is what has arisen from the ashes of the Stratia Kingdom. We fellow sellswords are here to fight for the gold, the land, and the fame. Just after the fall of Stratia, Socrates decided to band old warriors of Stratia with a few new faces to concoct a mercenary company of the old Stratia. Using the documents in the library he has found old contacts and new one alike to make a band of ferocious fighters. There are no designated leaders. Everyone is equal in this as we are all brothers in arms. Socrates is just a manager to keep things intact, but nothing more. Everyone is equal.
MembersSocratesObergefreiterSpoonsJarlaxleDynamikeDarth TarderRhaelysTroublesomeMazeQHaruEngineMrShovelFaceBeeperInactivePewPewNekkid MikeRequirementsWe're not taking people who want to join. We're taking people by invite only. (You can try posting/sending me a PM, but you won't have much of a chance unless I've seen you in-game)You must have Steam to communicate with each other.Be active, not everyday but at least be playing 1-3 times a week.Respect each other members, friends, or foes.Polling for bans or kicks are not allowed unless the person is AFK.Must be in North America. (Sorry for those who are in Europe, but it's will be a hassle playing on the same server with a ping difference)All current members must change their name to have _RS at the end ASAP.ExtrasCurrently we are exclusively looking for more archers to add to our group. If you're a good one show your stuff in the NA server and hope one of us will catch you.