Author Topic: How to play with a Spear and Shield  (Read 7640 times)

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How to play with a Spear and Shield
« on: January 04, 2011, 12:02:19 am »
Socrates still cleaning up the library of Stratia finds important documents. These documents are about spear fighting. We have no use for these anymore and will decide to pin it up here for future reference. Credits goes to respective owner.

Rendar1970's Guide (Erebus)

Spear Tips

I was asked by some others for some spear fighting tips.  I dont claim to be the best, but I do seem to handle myself pretty well, especially in close quarters where we are supposed to be "weaker"

Distance:  When you are engaged by enemy, always walk backwards, or stand your ground.  DO NOT move forward until after you attack.  Most enemies dont bother to see if your moving back, forward, standing still, they just judge the general distance you are maintaining from them to judge your range.  Once ready a quick thrust while running forward will usually get you a hit as your range suddenly changes.

Circling: Its a fact that the majority of PC players are right handed.  Its also been shown that when players circle strafe in games, they usually do so my moving there mouse left (or towards the keyboard).  As there is more room, and more comfortable on the wrist.  This is why as a hoplite you will always circle right.  In 1 on 1 this will lead to your enemy turning away and giving you his back alot.  This combined with short-spearing will give you alot of kills.  Also, when you engage in a fight where a team-mate is currently 1vs1'ing someone.  The enemy will "circle" into you, as opposed to you always being blocked by your teammate.

Short-Spearing:  When in close combat, if you look down and right, you can thrust even when you are so close that your spear would normal get "bounced" and not able to attack.  Simple look down/right, thrust, and immediately pull your spear towards there head.  This will give you the option to attack up close.

Kick:  Dont forget to kick if your being crowded.  However, unlike 1h/2h weapons, spear is not fast enough in most cases to get an attack in after a kick.  Your goal when kicking is to simply piss off your opponent.  Get him mad your kicking him, get him to make mistakes.  The other trick is to kick, hold thrust, turn release, and then whip it back at him.  If he sees your "missing" they will often go for an attack, only to be hit by you.

Phalanx:  When you have the honor of fighting with any other shield and spear fighter, try to always work in opposite of them.  If they have a thrust held ready for release, keep your shield up, if things go bad you can protect them, right after they thrust, then thats when you thrust.  This can lead to machine gun like attack of spears, where the other hoplite is defending his brother after the first attack.  This also works great with archers, the lead hoplite shields while the 2nd charges a thrust, as soon as the arrow hits the shield, move out of the way and let the 2nd hoplite get a hit on the archer.

Against Hammers:  Hammers offer the most problems for spear users.  They run faster forward than we do backwards, and your shield is useless against them.  Your best bet is to work with a partner in a Phalanx.  If you are alone, put your shield away, kick spam like mad, followed with a 2h thrust (its faster than with shield).  Kick, thrust, circle, repeat.  You still might die, but at least you have a chance and will do some dmg to them for your team.

Anti-Cavalry:  Always try to get yourself in such a way that the horse will hit you head on.  This sounds odd, but it works.  If your thrust slightly up, and get hit head on by the horse you will stop it, usually kill it, and sometimes kill the rider.  If you miss, the horses head is a dead spot, you cant be hit by the rider there, and the worse that will happen is a little health loss and a knockdown.

Hopefully some of these tips have helped.

Onimaho's Guide

I have had some fun experience working with fellow hoplites, from this I would like to share my findings on spear combat. Correct me if Im wrong or improve on the manual, and i know the wording is shit but maybe squirrel can clean it up and have it on main page...or we'll keep this knowledge hidden in the folds of our post

Basic hoplite combat manual(keep it a secret!):

-enemies at distance hit them in the head or chest(maximum spear range)
-enemies close(nearly or are hugging) stab directly at their feet or kick and back up
-archers/throwers readying a missile? lunge jump stab them in the face, practice a lot to know this exact distance or you will die
-cavalry when they come straight at you side step to opposite of their lance and stab the horses nose
-if cavalry turn slightly while lanceing shield up immediately, after blow lunge jump stab the horse's butt/midsection depending on how they move

Team hoplite combat manual(why we are so awesome):

- 2 hoplites V 1 constantly poke the enemy, the enemy will get frustrated and either back up(keep poking) or maneuver in close to attack. When that occurs hoplites should position opposite sides of the enemy and stab them in the back repeatedly while the other stabs from the front repeatedly. Front hoplite can also kick to help the stun poke fest.

-2-infinite hoplites V 2-infinite This requires the most teamwork and individual efforts result usually in death. Simply put, block the enemies that actively engage you and attack the enemies that engage your teammate. This results in a much greater killing potential because you are spearing enemies at your prime distance. If your teammate makes a successful stab and you are not being actively engaged help out stab/kick the same enemy immediately after. This kind of teamwork will often result in a lot of position changing between you and your teammates as well as the enemies actively engaging. So, keep a good awareness of the overall situation.
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #1 on: January 04, 2011, 03:08:25 pm »
Could you explain this a bit further for me "Its also been shown that when players circle strafe in games, they usually do so my moving there mouse left (or towards the keyboard).  As there is more room, and more comfortable on the wrist.  This is why as a hoplite you will always circle right.  In 1 on 1 this will lead to your enemy turning away and giving you his back alot"

If you circle right, that would be your opponents left and as you say " they usually do so my moving there mouse left" So how exactly are you getting his back?

Am i misunderstanding something?
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #2 on: January 04, 2011, 04:04:37 pm »
Also, does a spear polearm carried in 1h+shield count as 1h WPF or Polearm WPF?
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #3 on: January 04, 2011, 05:12:54 pm »
It is still polearm WPF when you are using a shield

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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #4 on: January 04, 2011, 06:01:34 pm »
What is the best spear for shield+pole combo?
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #5 on: January 04, 2011, 10:54:19 pm »
What is the best spear for shield+pole combo?


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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #6 on: January 05, 2011, 03:06:48 am »
What is the best spear for shield+pole combo?

Personally I love the Long Awlpike. Good range to take horses out, strong damange (31 Pierce I believe), and the reach is really great to have. If you like a faster playstyle use a War Spear. It's also great when it's balanced.

Could you explain this a bit further for me "Its also been shown that when players circle strafe in games, they usually do so my moving there mouse left (or towards the keyboard).  As there is more room, and more comfortable on the wrist.  This is why as a hoplite you will always circle right.  In 1 on 1 this will lead to your enemy turning away and giving you his back alot"

If you circle right, that would be your opponents left and as you say " they usually do so my moving there mouse left" So how exactly are you getting his back?

Am i misunderstanding something?

Onimaho wrote that so not quite sure how to explain. Someone near the lines it's like "most regular gamers circle strafe using there mouse to the left hugging the keyboard. This allows you to circle strafe right away and try to get around them."
« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 03:08:23 am by Socrates »
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2011, 01:55:45 pm »
Thanks for the guide!  Could you please post your build or recommendations when building a spear/shield fighter?

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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2011, 02:49:24 pm »
hi Socrates, i have this image in my head of the film Troja, Archilles is running towards the ennemy throwing his spear and then cutting him open,well perhaps it didn't happen just like that, but because of that my first char was a hybrid Thrower/1h/shield, it was in the beginning really hard as i had to learn how to move with the crowd, over time what todo when todo, but befor i made my first retirement i mostly got at least 1 - 2 kills. Still a noob :) but not completly worthless for the team. Sometime before i retired i even foundout :) about the secondary weapon mode, which brings me to your post.

With Throwing Weapons you got a range in length from 7 Stones to 130 Lances.
I think your tipps are mostly adeptable for a Shield / Throwing weapons combination, wouldn't you?
« Last Edit: January 06, 2011, 02:52:34 pm by kinngrimm »
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2011, 11:57:06 pm »
Indeed King. Especially throwing lances. They work not bad with shields to use as secondary spears.

Thanks for the guide!  Could you please post your build or recommendations when building a spear/shield fighter?

Sure. Heres an example of one with enough Power Strike to do damage to plate and easily do mega-tons to light armored characters. Works great with awlpikes and a battle fork. Just a reminder I have heard WPN Prof has changed after 100 that makes it cost more points for a 1 point increase so the WPF may not be the right number, but pumping all points you get in Polearms is the idea. Get extra stat points by converting unused points to AGI to boost it to 15. Core stats goto 24 STR and 12 AGI. Like I said to get 15 AGI convert unused stats. You'll be left with 4 skill points. You can put them in Power-Throw for some Javelins or into Iron Flesh if you want that extra health or riding. Leave Shield at 4 unnecessary to put more as you only need 4 to use the Huscarl. Alternatively you can only put 3 for a Norman Shield. They are also very sturdy, but just provide less cover.
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Re: How to play with a Spear and Shield
« Reply #10 on: January 07, 2011, 05:22:23 pm »
Awesome, thanks Socrates!