After thinking about this all weekend and the response I've gotten in this thread I've decided to do what's best for the mod and the community. That being said, thicc_papi_Cochese will be globally banned and never able to be used to multiaccount, ban evade again.
Sugar and Assington, 4 months was a bit extreme, but I felt like you guys just didn't give a shit so I hope you've learned your lessons. I will keep you both banned for one month instead. Your unban date is March 9th.
Please continue to do good for the mod as you have Assington, and Sugar, I hope you're going to change and be a more positive person in the community. Keep in mind that if you do get banned in the future, you will be held to a higher standard having gone through this already.
Thank you to everyone who provided valuable input and all the shit posters for posting shit. Move along now. Case Closed.