sorry for not replying i got really drunk last night and went to bed happy like i always do knowing that crpg will be there for me in the morning
But let me be serious, since Bronto is being perfectly serious and reasonable here;
I made this account a couple of years ago during the final croaks of cRPG before it somewhat officially died the first time. I made it purely for strat. I never multiaccounted to avoid bans until some time later. It is against the rules, I know, I'm not gonna try and make my normal relativity complex argument about everyone else that has second accounts or breaks rules.
As far as the subject of avoiding bans goes, I don't remember using this account to ever really avoid bans since bans don't stay on my main account and I can usually join 5 minutes later anyway (still ban evading sorry), but I guess multiaccounting is multiaccounting.
As for the subject of sugar; he was banned for 24 hours by James for being a mouthy kiddo in a strat battle, however, I guarantee that if James wasn't in the server, being on the team that was getting demolished, having his siege equipment constantly harassed by sugar, etc, he wouldn't have issued the ban in the first place. It wasn't the first time I thought James' temper got the better of his judgement, and I'm sure he's enjoying seeing this ban since it has been his life goal for the last 3 years. Regardless, I did offer sugar the usage of this account so he could play cRPG because I disagreed with James' judgement. I understand that sugar is still at fault for being of such generally deplorable moral character for having accepted my offer, but I think that his usage of this account for less than ONE DAY should definitely be calculated into his ban time, particularly since it is my account, and I offered for him to use it.
As for my apology; If you had asked me 2 months ago if I was sorry for using this account, the answer would have been no. I genuinely felt, and still feel that the usage of this multiaccount on STRAT or to evade pesky bans isn't harmful to cRPG's health at all. More players have quit this mod because they didn't like their armor's retexture than because they were like "DAMN! ASSINGTON HAS A SECOND ACCOUNT! I'M OUTTY BITCHES!". BUT, I do miss the point of fairness across all players, and being able to evade long term bans should I have chosen to, or having a second account for strat is, obviously, unfair. I am now sorry, not just because I've been banned, -- pretty much until this game that I have helped so zealously to revive several times dies again, but also because of everyone who may have suspected that I'm becoming a better person morally; someone who no longer drops the N-bomb and doublespawns. I haven't doublespawned in like THREE WEEKS!!
As for my response for being banned until June; I never thought I would see the day that I joined the ranks of people like bicep, spook, and mcdeath. I always looked down on them the same way you look down on homeless people on the sidewalk when you exit the freeway. I do not think a ban until June is just at all as my/sugar's usage of this account on both strat AND NA1 has probably summed up to maybe a total of 3 days used for evading bans, and the growth of about 1200 troops on strat simply because this account isn't played enough to generate anymore ticks. Like this account was just a little side piece that cikel knew about and approved of until he was "bullied out of Frisia" and decided to join the Tunnel Snakes Gang and report on me.
I know this post has been filled with a lot of questionable statements and shit, but TL;DR - I am sorry, I did break the rules, but I just want to make a plea in the case of actual crimes committed. Yes I have a second account, and yes, I've used it. That admission alone would be enough to ban someone for a long time. I just want to play on your heartstrings and claim that the very, very rare usage of this account to evade bans, coupled with almost non-extant usage on strat, as well as the very shaky status of this game's population to consider reducing the ban drastically. I can't speak for sugar (although he is becoming a good-er boy), but after that 3 day ban I got because of thryn posting about my doublespawning, I stopped doublespawning. Being without my baby crpg is hard :*( and I have been trying to be a reformed person lately; taking part in game-balance/mechanic discussions, always helping new players and answering questions on the forums). IDK Bronto, I know you don't like me, probably, for the many things I said against the administration several months ago, but if you could find it in your heart to empathize me, you would be saving more kids from hunger than you could ever know.
*edit: again, in stating I that I believe that the most minor usage of the second account should make it less punishable, I am not attempting to argue that I shouldn't have to be AS sorry, or ask AS much forgiveness, I am simply asking for an Aristotlean/Socratean philosophical outlook on this: all things and all actions should be done with great moderation and consideration.