Maybe they just wanna feel academic, scientific and all that. Too dumb for certain fields, they create their own little 'academic' bubble and call their shit 'science'.
Actually I figured it out five minutes after I posted. It's incredibly simple. Every single one of these is attention seeker. By reducing gender studies to gender is not of an importance anymore each of one them lose the right to call themselves special, to demand attention from other people.
Sadly, most of these people only have this thing to push them forward in life. If they had some kind of skill, expertise, a meaningful job, someone to truly love and care about, they'd probably not want to participate in gender studies movement anymore.
Roaming youtube filled with snowflake and alt-right videos I stumbled upon an interview with Morgan Freeman, which I haven't seen before. He said to his host that key to solving racial struggles is to not take race into consideration when dealing with other people. Which is exactly what I mentioned as solution to their 'gender' issues.
But people don't want that, they want colorful spectrum of everything to have some kind of importance. Mainly because they are crying for attention and want to reap benefits from racial or gender struggles or any similar issues that pop up from time to time.
By saying what he said, Morgan Freeman has betrayed black community in America. Because he essentially said, it doesn't matter what skin color you are, it doesn't define you as a person. If you want to get out of the gutter you have to try harder until you succeed. Imagine, he told his people to work harder instead of reaping welfare checks. How dare he?
Same can be applied to snowflakes who change their gender on a whim.