Wait, what grind ? I mean, if there are a lot of defects when it comes to this game, but grind isn't one : the attachments are like extremely cheap, and after 10 hours, you basically have all the operators you care about, fully equipped, and secondary operators you only take when your fav ones are already taken, also fully loaded. Plus you're gifted a free booster to make your first renown points easier to get. The skins don't change anything but the weapon's appearance, and some are unlockable throught playtime, I mean, I don't know how this can even be called grindy and P2W. There are plenty of games where grinding is real, but this one isn't. I mean, just look at cRPG. THIS is grindy as fuck.
Also, if you got trouble choosing your operators, just watch vids about operators, and you'll see that there are mostly three kind of attackers : Support ones (Twitch,Thatcher, Fuze, IQ), Breaching ones (Thermite, Ash come to my mind), and shield ones (Fuze, Montagne, and Blitz), and three kind of defenders : Support (Doc, Rook), Ambushers (Kapfkan, Pulse, Smoke), and holders (Bandit, Jäger, Tachanga, Mute). It's quite simple, and quite complex at the same time. Just look for each operator's gameplay, and see what fits to you. I regret there's no kind of trial period for operators or something, or even a training range, thought.