Hello there, iv been playing 2h for quite a while now as a 18/21, this generation however im playing with a 24/15 build, and i aint going back to 18/21 ever again.
Now i use the highland claymore which is short but powerfull, and im a decent bolcker so i dont have to move around as fast.
As for the flamberge, i think the extra movement speed will benefit you much more when you have a longer weapon(18/21), altho if you are a good blocker i would recommend a little more strenght based build maybe even the 21/18 to balance the speed and power. Imho i found the 24/15 build the best so far so i would say to you:
Try them all, you have 3 gens to loom your flamberge to MW so you have the time. Find what fits you best.
Ill throw in some of my builds just to show you what im talking about:
Here is a build i used for 4 gens:
Strength: 18
Agility: 21
Hit points: 59
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 3
Power Strike: 6
Athletics: 7
Weapon Master: 7
Two Handed: 164
Imo its pros would be that you are good in duels (tho this is discutable as the flamberge is easier to block than most weapons), you can use your footwork to greater effect than str builds and also with 6 PS and 46 cut you should 1-2 shot 45 armor or less opponents, so you still pack a decent punch. Its cons would be that you wont have as much hp which would allow you to survive more and you wouldnt do as much damadge as you would with a more str build.
An alternative to this build would be putting some points into shield skill and wearing a shield. (i tried this for one generation and i just didnt like the feel of a shield on my back. But thats just me being me. If you want to have more protection vs arrows you should try this)
Now this is the build im using now: (i found myself in this build, kudos to Prpavi for convicing me, we had our share of str vs agi talks and i finaly saw the light
A 24/15:
Strength: 24
Agility: 15
Hit points: 75
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 8
Power Strike: 8
Athletics: 5
Weapon Master: 2
Two Handed: 125
Now the obvious pros of this build would be the awesome hp pool (this is especialy essential if you use good armor like i do, as for arrows they bounce off my shiny ass and if they do hit i laugh at the damadge
) and ofcourse the punch, when you hit with this you bet your ass they will feel it. You can one shot most of the oponents (with a positive speed bonus). Plate? No problem they will fall pretty quick. The cons would be that you cant run as fast and your swings are slower.
Now you may have noticed only 2 points in weapon master and a "low" 125 wpf. I find it enough, even with all the weight i am carrying like 30+ kgs i can still be just fast enough for my taste.
Ofcourse if you feel like you would be slow with this you can always sacrafice a few hp points and put 5 to weapon master that will give you a pretty decent number of 148 wpf that sould boost your swing frequency.
And if you find the 18/21 build a little weak or the 24/15 a bit sluggish there is the 21/18:
Now i havent tried that one (will probably do it for this gen after) but here is how it would look then i try it:
Strength: 21
Agility: 18
Hit points: 64
Skills to attributes: 8
Ironflesh: 4
Power Strike: 7
Athletics: 6
Weapon Master: 6
Two Handed: 155
Pretty neat compromise between speed and power if i might add, now i admit i was a bit of a agi whore in the past but now im a hooked on power. I need to try this before i can comment it more.
And finaly we come to the conclusion and my suggestion ( i will repeat myself here ): Try them all, you will never know untill you try.
I hope i helped and i appolagize for any typing mistakes, and i hope you read all of this and it wasnt for nothing