Author Topic: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head  (Read 1506 times)

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Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« on: May 26, 2014, 05:52:12 pm »
1. Name of your character involved
- Kalmarunionen_GTX

2. Name of offending character(s)
- Barabe_mr_baby_head

3. Time and server, as accurately as possible
- EU_6 during the pretty long period of 4-5 pm, but that is actually how long this more or less lasted.

4. Written description of what happened, the whole story. Also what happened before and after.
- Playing on eu_6 and trying the more casual side of c-rpg. I saw Barabe_mr_baby_head saying that the mod needed a TDM server, and I sarcasticly said:''You mean EU_1''?. He then denied that and i said that the only difference from eu_1 and a TDM server would be the spawn timers, he disagreed and made a point that i did not agree with, and i kept to my original statement. This however angered him and he started by polling me at the end of our ''talk'', and i immediately asked for a reason, which gave me the reponse ''cuntface'', as it is seen in screenshot 5. I then rejoined and continued to ask for a reason, which led to even more harassment, but after some time he came up with the reason:''Leeching'', as it is seen on picture 6. The leeching reasoning is pretty ironic, since he was the one talking with me. I was also playing at the time he made the poll, as it can be seen on the points i gained before the poll was made on screenshot 5. This harassment then continued even further, and he even used the commander chat, so that his messages would be clearer(A lot of Barabes on the team), and this can all be seen in screenshot 7-10. I supose the written insults did not satisfy him enough, so he then continued this behaviour by hunting me down and killing me for 10 mins, as it can be seen on screenshot 11-16 . If you however doubt some parts of this story, then i took the time to actually ask some questions, because i did not quite understand the reasoning behind this behaviour, and these questions along with the answers to them can be seen on screenshots 1-5.

5. Why do you think the offender did what he did.*
Well the answer can be seen on screenshot 11+12+13, where i actually tried to understand the reasoning.

6. Multiple Screenshots

7. Names of players who witnessed what happened.**
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #1 on: May 26, 2014, 06:08:55 pm »
Why do you want him to be banned?

If it is pollabusing, I think he has a point when he says you are leeching: 90% of the time I see you online, you are standing in a corner and discuss with someone you do not like instead of contributing to the victory of the team.

If it is bad language, please GTX out of cRPG forever and read Shakespeare.

If it is playing TDM instead of rageball, it is arguable whether the TDM playstyle helps his team or not. All characters with low athletics (less than 9) are relatively useless for the actual rageball gameplay anyways. Also, whenever you are on Siege and want multipliers, you go for valor instead of team victory. How is this different from his behavior? Both of you don't help as much as you could. I don't think you've gotten a ban for hunting archers instead of defending the flag yet, have you?

This makes me wonder: Do you have any valid reason for your request?
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #2 on: May 26, 2014, 06:12:11 pm »
He could be banned for poll abusing, afaik focusing killing someone in rageball is not against the rules. Now if he was teamkilling or griefing it would be a different story
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2014, 06:19:32 pm »
Lol, poll abusing. It's just a kickpoll, the fact that it is against GTX makes it clearly mitigating circumstances, and GTX's semi-leeching attitude makes it a somewhat legit poll. If anything, ban Baby head for 0d 0h 1m...
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #4 on: May 26, 2014, 06:26:47 pm »
Why do you want him to be banned?
Have you even read what i wrote and seen the pictures? This is pretty damn annoying, especially the part where he makes me completely unable to even play rageball by hunting me down every single time i spawn, as you can see on the screenshot where i asked about exactly this.

If it is pollabusing, I think he has a point when he says you are leeching: 90% of the time I see you online, you are standing in a corner and discuss with someone you do not like instead of contributing to the victory of the team.
On which server? Because most of the time when i play on siege i am in the top half of the team, and the same thing counts for battle. I even contribuate a lot to the team in rageball, a lot more than 50% of are doing. Furthermore this is an subjective opinion, and it is your (exaggerated) experience (unless you really believe i am leeching 90% of the time?), which could come from the fact that you hate me, which is pretty clear on the servers. I don't doubt that you have good reasons to hate me, but ban threads needs to be as objective as possible

If it is bad language, please GTX out of cRPG forever and read Shakespeare.
Bad language is usually not accepted in C-rpg, and many people have been banned for it, even i got a warning yesterday, so i don't see why it is all of sudden not a valid reason for a ban? Again.... seems more subjective than objective. This is especially apparent in the sarcastic use of the word ''Shakespeare''.

If it is playing TDM instead of rageball, it is arguable whether the TDM playstyle helps his team or not.
I am not sure whether it is a rule or not, but it is seen down upon in rageball, when you're killing people in ways that do not give your team any advantage. Example: If you're killing someone that could be a potential pass, then it could be discussed whether it is TDM or not. This is not the case in this situation, since i marked the locations of the ball during his killing spree, and these locations indicate that the killing is not done to gain any advantage for his team, but purely for the purpose of provoking, as he even said himself in one of the last 4 screenshots. So this is not just a ''TDM playstyle'', this is only killing one guy over and over with the goal of provoking him, and there is a big difference between the 2.

All characters with low athletics (less than 9) are relatively useless for the actual rageball gameplay anyways.
That is not even close to try, this is extremely exxagerated again. I got 7 athletics and i can easyli play a big bart in the gameplay. Just like agility, strenght have it's advantages and disadvantages in rageball. The advantages of stenght, however, is not as easyli spotted, if you have not got some experience with rageball.
Also, whenever you are on Siege and want multipliers, you go for valor instead of team victory. How is this different from his behavior? Both of you don't help as much as you could. I don't think you've gotten a ban for hunting archers instead of defending the flag yet, have you?
By killing people on siege i am also preventing those people from reaching the flag/defending the flag, this is during far more than just killing the same guy over and over. His intentions is also to provoke someone, while mine is to have as much fun as i possible can, instead of provoking someone, while i am playing the game. Ontop of this ''his behaviour'' also includes poll abuse and a lot of harassment.

This makes me wonder: Do you have any valid reason for your request?

Now could you please stop posting your opinion on this matter, since it is not up to you to decide this?

Lol, poll abusing. It's just a kickpoll, the fact that it is against GTX makes it clearly mitigating circumstances, and GTX's semi-leeching attitude makes it a somewhat legit poll. If anything, ban Baby head for 0d 0h 1m...
Again your subjective opinion seem rather biased, since this is not the case at all. I am always gaining quite a lot of points and normally sit at the top half of the scoreboard. Furthermore you can clearly see me gaining points at the exact time that the screenshot was taken, how can your subjective opinion overrule this? It is quite definitive.

Now could you please stop posting your opinion on this matter, since it is not up to you to decide this? Unless you have some RELEVANT information ofc, but so far this is mostly subjective opinions of my behaviour, which you can post in one of the 2 threads i have, but not in the ban section.

PS: Regarding the opinion having an effect on his statements, look at this:
Lol, poll abusing. It's just a kickpoll, the fact that it is against GTX makes it clearly mitigating circumstances, and GTX's semi-leeching attitude makes it a somewhat legit poll. If anything, ban Baby head for 0d 0h 1m...
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 06:36:39 pm by _GTX_ »
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #5 on: May 26, 2014, 07:03:56 pm »
the problem was that u wrote in chat (like u always do) and u wrote so much that u were kinda afk sometimes... so that was probably the reason for the poll

after our discussion yesterday were u explained me that killing enemies close to u is valid since it makes u a possible ball- receiver u cant be really upset about getting killed when the ball isnt close (and tbh unfortunately eu 6 is more of an TDM server atm wich is bad but half of the players dont know how to play good so they just tdm - so there could be at least 20 banrequests for that from today)

it is not defendable though that babyhead is not explaining himself in chat and is randomly writing crap but again thats what a majority of the community in this mod does and especially u gtx should be used to have some hate against u in the chat - and u are no angel in that case as well - finding hard words against other players ;)

p.s.: u have some screenshots showing bumbo_tones making goals and kills - can i use them to promote myself for my national team pls?

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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #6 on: May 26, 2014, 07:59:54 pm »
the problem was that u wrote in chat (like u always do) and u wrote so much that u were kinda afk sometimes... so that was probably the reason for the poll.
Kinda afk? I was not really afk, and i was still on the top half of the scoreboard, so i did actually participate. So i don't see how i was leeching, which was the second reason listed, where the first one ofc were ''cuntface''.

after our discussion yesterday were u explained me that killing enemies close to u is valid since it makes u a possible ball- receiver u cant be really upset about getting killed when the ball isnt close.
I tried to explain to you what i meant, but i gave up trying to explain it and played instead, because you did not really understand what i was trying to say (Might come of as offensive, but I could not figure out a better way of writing this). I did however give an example of what i meant in one of my reponses to Rico. This is also why the position of the ball is essential, since it shows if this were to kill a potential receiver of the ball or another reason. Ontop of that, Barabe_mr_baby_head clearly stated his reason behind killing me, which had nothing to do with me being a potential receiver of the ball

(and tbh unfortunately eu 6 is more of an TDM server atm wich is bad but half of the players dont know how to play good so they just tdm - so there could be at least 20 banrequests for that from today)
I disagree, we always had some decent playing going on whenever i played. Ontop of that, there is a still a difference between TDM and intentionally killing the same guy over and over for 10 minutes with the intention of provoking him.

p.s.: u have some screenshots showing bumbo_tones making goals and kills - can i use them to promote myself for my national team pls?
I don't see why this spiteful comment is necessary? It was essential to point out that i was gaining points, which means i was contributing to the team, since the reason of the poll was leeching. Could you please leave these kind of remarks out of a ban thread?
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #7 on: May 26, 2014, 08:36:02 pm »
Gtx, I also saw you insulting people on eu6, I just didnĀ“t make any screen of it (yet)
« Last Edit: May 26, 2014, 08:51:43 pm by Akronus97 »
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #8 on: May 26, 2014, 08:50:27 pm »
u were ignoring the ball at least 2 times when u had ur big discussion with panos (the chat between u 2 can be easily checked by an admin in the logs...) srsly if u just wanna chat wirth ur buddy panos u could use a chatroom

btw u got kickpolled by corsair like 5 min later again... even if i cant tell why that one happened its just to mention that there were more than just 1 or 2 players who had problems with u

the TDMing: i got ur point... u told me its legit to kill someone so ur teammate can pass to u wich i mentioned
however i agree its a bit sad that eu 6 is a massive tdm and i hope some admin (like guard_bifi or 22nd_paul) joinst the server frequently to tell players how to play the mode since most of them are not listening if its not an admin talking to them
AND: active admins could disable polls because atm its just a fact that nearly every single poll in raqgeball gets accepted wich is stupid imo
BUT: the players who only tdm are most of the time loosing so its not that big of a deal (for me at least) - they get soon enough bored of constant x1

it is still fun to play with those who actually know how to and pay attention (which includes u most of the time as well)

and as i said before if u want to ban someone for tdm at eu6 there would be 20 banrequests daily

about following players around and try to kill them: that happens me quite a lot its just logical that a team is trying to shut down coreplayers of the enemy team

AGAIN: babyhead didnt explain himself i guess and he surely wasnt gentlemen-like in chat but there is an option to mute players and i guess everyone playing this mod for years got called a 'my old friend' or 'cunt' countless times so if we start to ban players for this there will be a lot of traffic in the bansections again

i hope i could make my point clear

may an admin decide what to do

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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #9 on: May 26, 2014, 09:02:39 pm »
Oh. Seems I've been "highlighted" in the Logs of GTX's chat :o

Why is my text highlighted? :3

I only was confused of the "Kick reason" beeing cuntface :o (hence the tons of questionmarks and the "wut?"
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Re: Ban Barabe_mr_baby_head
« Reply #10 on: May 26, 2014, 09:17:29 pm »
About the argument, mr_baby_head started it. Sure, GTX hopped into the conversation between you and the other player, but mr_baby_head began insulting for no reason. Still, both GTX and mr_baby_head ended up using all sorts of insults, so there's that.

But the kick-poll, with reason "c***face" and later "corrected" to "leeching", is not valid because GTX was killing people before the poll was made. And using commander chat like that isn't nice either.

Barabe_mr_baby_head banned for 1 day.