Why do you want him to be banned?
If it is pollabusing, I think he has a point when he says you are leeching: 90% of the time I see you online, you are standing in a corner and discuss with someone you do not like instead of contributing to the victory of the team.
If it is bad language, please GTX out of cRPG forever and read Shakespeare.
If it is playing TDM instead of rageball, it is arguable whether the TDM playstyle helps his team or not. All characters with low athletics (less than 9) are relatively useless for the actual rageball gameplay anyways. Also, whenever you are on Siege and want multipliers, you go for valor instead of team victory. How is this different from his behavior? Both of you don't help as much as you could. I don't think you've gotten a ban for hunting archers instead of defending the flag yet, have you?
This makes me wonder: Do you have any valid reason for your request?