It's also gonna really depend on the map too. Some are very open while others have narrow passages. Some have a gate where bots pile up, essentially saving you from fighting a large amount of bots at once (Sea Raid and Lichens Island come to mind, and Grey Havens too if the servers are ever reset). Some maps have bots come from multiple directions.
Then there are the varying rounds. Some you'll have archers or crossbowmen, or cavalry. Others have a lot of axes which will rape your shield in no time.
There are several factors to consider, and IMHO, there is no perfect build for lone-wolfing DTV. I honestly made more progress being a dedicated archer than either 1h w/shield or 2h hero. Got past ninjas easily. Even made a couple rounds past that, and that was on a not very good map for trying it alone.
With the way it currently is, beating DTV as a lone wolf is a pipe dream at best. That doesn't mean you can't make a good dent in it though. Just don't expect a rewarding XP/gold from doing this. You won't get it. You'll probably just break even overall.
Just in case you're interested, the build I had as an archer was 18/21 - 6PS, 6PD, 7WM, 170wpf. Fast, accurate bow works best for headshots (only way really). I used Tatar bow with barbed arrows, but I think Horn bow with Tatar (or barbed) arrows would work best. Bodkins for rounds that have a lot of plated head armor. 1h, 0 slot side weapon, with decent pierce and cut damage (pierce probably more important in the long run).